Subject: Grail: "The Great Brightness" - `The Torrilion Ambassador'

<<Stardate: 47307.29- 23:55>>

<<ShuttleBay 2>>

Epic Terrakian stood between Ambassador Kyp Firespray and Counselor

Mirkas Tzavaras. Standing slightly before all of them, was Lt. Fionn. He

seemed to be on an even greater edge than Security. But in his tense

emotional state, Epic sensed calm.

Beside him, Epic noticed Mirkas distress. Not only visibly, but a

series of emotions was oscillating within her, from fear to rage to

confusion. He would have to do something.

The door to the alien shuttle opened with a hydraulic hiss. A

hagard yet unmistakeably regal figure exited.

T'Nek walks proudly out of the shuttle door, stops in front of the

four people gathered there and salutes in the ancient Torillio


"In the name of Ellios, I greet you all on behalf of the Torrilion

Empire. I would like to thank you from rescuing me out there, and would

like to apologize for seeming a little stuffy about your defensive


Epic mimics the Torrilion salute. It is a fair attempt. "Ambassador

T'Nek Destazio. Welcome to the USS Grail. And please allow me to express

my regrets that our precautions provoked your anger. We, like yourself,

are deep in unexplored territory and must guard our safety dilligently

lest we succumb to trickery. Hopefully, with this meeting, we can begin

to appreciate one another and perhaps enjoy a mutually beneficial


The Torrilion seemed pleased with the greeting he received, then,

he suddenly noticed Kyp.

"Sith be damned! Are you really an Alterian? I haven't seen one of

you for ages." T'Nek moved toward Kyp. Fionn interposed.

A tall humanoid stood before T'Nek, his eyes catlike, and his long

blond hair which almost seems mane-like, is tied back in a pony tail,

revealing his pointed ears. He had smiled at the Torrilions mention of

`defensive posture'. "I am Lt. Fionn, Chief Tactical of this ship.", he

says with a stern, cold as steel voice. When trying to read his

thoughts, only feelings of wild aggression is drawn as he stands, arms

folded, before the Captain.

T'Nek simply smiled a charming smile.

"Well Captain Terrakian, I suggest we go to some place more formal

to discuss the situation on Kerestia with you. I'm afraid you won't be

getting much help from them."

Epics heart was stopped with a coldness that he had rarely

experienced before. "Are they still alive?", was the only question he

could choke out.

"To be sure.", T'Nek replied. "But that may not be so a few years

from now."

The coldness let go of Epics heart and allowed it to start beating

again. He was on the verge of collapse, he felt. The past weeks were a

terrible strain and the strength he had taken from Mirkas Tzavaras was

fast fleeing.

"Ambassador Destazio. I have no doubts that the information you

have is critical. And since you are, obviously distressed from your

ordeal, please accept my offer of hospitality and healing.

"In but a few hours, most of my staff will be called together to

discuss the requirements of our contact with Kerestia and our journey

through the Great Brightness. The information you have, on both counts,

will weigh heavily on the decisions we make.

"So, if I can impose upon you, this: after you have been seen to by

our Chief Medical Officer and have had the opportunity to rest in the

comfort and security of our protection, I would ask that you attend that

Staff Conference. In this way, all my staff can be made aware of the

problems we will face without the need for you to repeat yourself. This

will also enable us to exchange ideas on options for our needs.

"Also, in this way, you may become aquainted with our team, as it

seems you will be joining us for quite a while, as the journey to your

Peoples Empire will require at least a year. And I insist that we escort

you to your Empires seat, that we might offer courtesy to your Emperor."

T'Nek Destazio offered a polite bow. "Well said, Captain. I accept

your hospitality."

Epic sighed his relief. It almost cost him. His tension might have

been the only thing keeping him standing.

"Thank you, Ambassador.", Epic expressed his genuine gratitude.

"Lt. Fionn. Ambassador Firespray. Will you conduct Ambassador Destazio

to Dr. Ramius, thereafter providing accomodations appropriate to his

station. Refuse him nothing."

The Koheen and the Alterian nodded.

"Ambassador. Good Evening." Epic offered the same polite bow. His

head pounded and his vision swam.

As Epic turned to go, he looked to the Counselor. "Ms. Tzavaras.

Please allow me to accompany you to your quarters. There are things that

I would like to discuss with you."

She just looked at him.

"Please.", he said softly, no strength left to ought else.

<<OOC: This was a joint post with contributions by all present. It would

have run longer, and please accept my apologies all for comandeering it.

I did so in the interests of those not involved. In this way, I can

engage almost everyone in what is certain to be a complicated but

character defining Staff Meeting. We have too much talent here to let

the efforts of too large a group post slow us down. I want to insure

that the energy we have maintained thus far is maintained much further

yet. The next chapter, to be titled `Kerestia' will begin, with a prompt

post by myself, on Monday [Sunday night]. If you are not already engaged

in something at the moment, please write a post that will get you to the

meeting, perhaps engaging in a conversation with a character with whom

you might not converse on an ordinary occassion. This will be an almost

complete assortment. I will be writing other preliminary posts

throughout the weekend, provoking other angles as well. Thank you for

your efforts and your patience. >>