Subject: Grail:"The Great Brightness"- Wrist Slapping (DeMontigny, Fionn, Brinn)
"Sorry I'm late..." Francois couldn't help saying despite his
state. His usual smug grin forming on his face.
He made his way to a chair beside in front of Brinn's desk.
"Could we make this quick?" he asked, "I have a meeting with the
captain in half an hour and would like to clean myself up first."
A minute later, the doors slid open as Lt Fionn entered the Major's
Office. Francois already was sitting awaiting what the Major had in
mind. Fury blazed within him as he sat next to the Terran, one thing
for sure, he was going to have a little talk with the Captain after this
was over. "Sorry Im late, I had more important matters to deal with."
He replied as he face was as cold as stone and just as serious.
Athalya Anne had quite calmed down by now, fortunatly for the young
gentelmen who sat before her. "Lieutenants," she addressed them in a
voice totaly lacking emotion, "you are here becasue you are the sorriest
officers I have ever run across." They both looked to be on the verge
of saying something. "No!" Athalya Anne yelled, "You will not speak
until you have my permission!" Adrenaline pumped through her viens.
*Come now!* A calm, rational voice in the back of her head exclaimed,
*Lookit. Blue dots. Lookit... there's one... oh, it's dividing... that
means that they're two now... here comes a third one...*
"Gentelmen, this is your warning: when I give an order, I do not
expect that order to be questioned nor do I expect that I shall have to
walk you through the execution of said order. The next time shall
result in a formal reprimand which shall be placed on your record." She
rose, "Do I make myself clear?"
"What the hell are you talking about Sir?" Fionn replied looking
directly at her, "We are not just one of your jugheads for you to yell
at. Im finished with this conversation, next time you want to yell it
will between you, me and the Captain." Fionn replied as he made his way
out of her office, "Oh, as for the reprimand, you can add it to the rest
of my record." He replied as he stormed out of her office.
François watched him leave with a smile on his bloodied face. When
the doors hissed shut, he turned back to Athalya Anne.
"I have to agree with him, my Queen," he said, "He didn't do
anything wrong and you bit his head off. Now, the way I see it, that's
either because: A) You had some excess steam to blow off and decided to
pick on us because we were the unlucky ones standing next to you when
you went balistic, or B) You didn't want to be alone with me because you
were afraid you couldn't control yourself, so you decided to bring him
along." His grin grew wider. "I tend to lean more toward option B. But
don't worry, ch=E8re," he said as he got up, suddenly serious, "I don't
know what got into me in the ready room, but it ain't gonna happen
again." 'I hope' he added in his head as he left the room.
Athalya Anne didn't think about what she said next. Hot retorts always hot
on her lips and more often than not were left unchecked. "Really,
lieutenant, that's too bad." But before DeMontigny could say anything else,
the doors had shut on him.
"Danm it to hell, I HATE command." She mumbled, totaly lacking passion as
she pulled up Lts Fionn and DeMontigny's files and entered the complaint of
'Conduct Unbecoming an Officer'. But inspite of metting out punishment, or,
perhaps, because of it, Athalya Anne's mood was rapidly improving and the
barest trace of a smile decorated her lips as the complaints went on their