Subject: Grail: "The Great Brightness" - 'Not now, I have a headache'
<<Stardate: 47307.30-00:00>>
<<Shuttle bay 2>>
Mirka looked at Terrakian, she didn't want to talk to him right now.
She felt sick, her stomach was churning. It had been such a long time
since she had felt like this. She needed time, time to analyze the
situation and time to take back the control of her emotions. In a few
seconds he had made her feel like she hadn't felt in ages. He had made
her feel vulnerable.
"Captain, I think we're both exhausted. It would be best if we had a
talk," she made an vague gesture with her hand, "some other time." With
a force smile she continued. "Unless there's something... else you need
from me? If it's about the first contact, I know I wasn't very
efficient, I'll do better next time."
She summoned the courage to look at his face. "I suggest you get
some sleep, you don't look good. You also need a day off, soon, or the
closest thing you can get from that on this ship. Your family is on the
ship, why don't you go spend time with them? Anyway, if that is all
I'll be going to my quarters, I have to rest too." Hoping, but
seriously doubting, he didn't noticed she did her best to avoid the
subject of the event that took place just before the meeting with the
Abassador, she nodded her head in his direction.
"Good night captain." On her way to the door she stopped, thinking of
"Oh... and captain, when I said you needed rest, I meant a real night's
sleep. Not in your ready room."
With that she exited the shuttlebay. Her stomach all shooked up.
Counselor Mirka Tzavaras.