Subject: Grail: "The Great Brightness" - `Roadside Assistance'
<<OOC: Hello All. This post will start the next chapter, "The Great
Brightness". My apologies for my slow-down in responses and posts, but
my hassles are behind me and I'm back up to speed. Thank you for your
<<Stardate: 47307.29- 22:20>>
<<Main Bridge>>
Epic Terrakian sat in his Ready Room reviewing system reports and
departmental reports and medical reports and reports reports reports
reports reports......
With a disgusted exhalation, he pushed himself away from the desk
and stood. Walking over to the forward window, he watched hyperspace fly
by, letting his mind wander.
Lt. Major Brinn was on the Bridge, as were all Gamma Shift
officers. He would have rather been there himself, but he could not
always be there, despite the desire. Besides, since his brawl with
Brinn, or more accurately, since she kicked his ass with a wooden leg,
she had become more.... professional. At least Epic thought so.
=^=Brinn to Terrakian.=^=, his commbadge chirped.
"Go ahead.", he replied.
=^=Listen to this, sir.=^=, she suggested, then, a message came
over his office comm.
=^=This is Ambassador T'Nek Destazio of the mighty Torillion
Empire. I require immediate assistance. I am not hostile. I repeat, I am
not hostile. I need your help now....=^
Epic considered it a moment. He had never heard of the Torrilion
Empire. But, he suspected, Kyp Firespray might have.
"Handle it, Major.", Epic finally answered. "Consult Ambassador
Firespray on his knowledge of the Torrilion Empire. I will be in my
Ready Room should anything warrant my consideration. Terrakian out."
Epic nodded for no reason. Then, he went to his couch and lay down.
He decided that now would be a good time to catch some sleep. He had a
feeling that Brinn's report on this `rescue' was going to create all
kinds of new problems.