Subject: Grail: "The Great Brightness" - `A Little Late... (cont)'

Athalya Anne, not particulary desireing to sit, not in next to the captain and

not in a room with two androids, stood. "Please." She stood and gestured to

the vacant seat, "By all means." Leaning against the wall, she tried not to

put her hand to her phazer. Still, a sence of relief did flood her. Now she

could easily see everyone else.

Frobo nodded to the kind young woman, and whispered a "thank you" as he

passed her by for the seat. He didn't notice her when she started

reaching for her phaser, nor did he realize that people were still staring

at him. Things like that didn't usually don't worry a Penuit.

Squeezing into his seat, he tried to remember everything he was supposed

to ask the new person on board the ship. Luckily, in case he forgot,

Vincent had given him the PADD with all the questions he was supposed to


Frobo activated the PADD and looked over the notes while everything set

itself up to begin. He was a bit puzzled by some of the questions, many

of which had nothing to do with food. Frobo guessed that Vincent must

have been a bit delirious when writing this list out, especially the stuff

about electronics and holograms, but who was Frobo to question? Maybe the

boss wanted to make something to entertain the lunch crowd. The Twelve

Spheres knew that this ship needed some form of entertainment.

Shuffling his feet around in a playful fashion, Frobo accidently bumped

into the Captain's foot. Turning around, Frobo nodded to the Captain and

whispered a simple "Sorry", not realizing that it was the Captain of the

Ship's foot he had kicked.


Yeoman Vincent Rogers

Mess Hall Cook

+ Kitchen Staff (on occasion)

U.S.S. Grail

ICQ: 8178648

If at first you don't succeed, disavow any knowledge of the attempt.


Sleep: An annoying habit I can't seem to break.