Subject: Grail: "The Great Brightness" - 'The Good-Looking Son at the Family Meeting'

<<Stardate: 47307.30- 08:59>>

<<Main Bridge>>

François DeMontigny stepped out of the turbolift and headed straight

for the Observation lounge. After his meeting with Brinn and Fionn, he

had rushed to his quarters to change and clean himself up quickly. He

had no intention of showing up all bloodied from his fight with

Donovan... er... Dimitri.

The doors to the Lounge opened and François was confronted by

Corvette Hunt and Fionn. The two looked like doormen from a sleezy bar.

Smiling, François patted them on the shoulders.

"Mes amis, I'm afraid I forgot my identification. However, if you

ask any of the beautiful women present, I am sure they can vouch for


The two just glared at him, so he walked by and took a seat beside

Alison Donucci. Also present were Epic, Brinn (her again!), Arda Kaje,

Logan Castle, Eve Mallory, a science guy François didn't know, Dr.

Ramius and a very familiar and attractive woman sitting beside him.

François could swear he had met her before, but couldn't remember where

or what her name was. As usual. She wasn't wearing a standard uniform,

but rather a relaxed jumpsuit. The new counselor maybe? François frowned

at that thought. If she knew him like he thought he knew her, and she

was the new counselor, that meant he would probably have trouble getting

around her. He looked at her again, trying to remember where he had seen

those attractive brown eyes. She noticed him looking at her and she

laughed. Where had he seen her before?

François was about to say something when the captain began talking,

greeting everyone and laying the groundwork for the reunion. However,

François was still thinking about the new counselor. She knew who he

was, that was evident... but who was she? François then felt like he was

being watched. He first looked at the counselor, but she was paying

attention to Epic, so he turned his head and noticed a cute engineer

looking his way. His eyes locked onto hers and he smiled. She, however,

immediately looked away, suddenly interested by her own hands. 'Ahhh,

shyness!' François thought, 'A lost art.' He returned his attention to

the meeting.

"But the Ambassador brings us news of Kerestia." Epic was saying,

"None of it good, apparently. I want you all to give him your attention

as he explains their plight.

"Ambassador?" All eyes turned to him. François hoped his

information wouldn't keep them them from going through the Great

Brightness. The navigational challenge it presented was too good to pass


Lt(jg) François DeMontigny

Assistant Chief of Flight Control

USS Grail NCC 1124

OOC: Let's get this show on the road! T'Nek! How 'bout telling us about
