Subject: Grail: "The Great Brightness" - `A Little Late Never Hurt Anybody'

> <<Stardate: 47307.30- 09:01>>

> <<Observation Lounge>>

> Epic stood, bringing the subdued murmur of nearly a score of people

> to an end. He nodded, and spoke.

> "Thank you all for your attendance. Before we continue with reports

> and anything else, I would like to formally introduce you to Ambassador

> T'Nek Destazio of the Torrilion Empire. It is my hope that the Empire

> and we, the Ambassadors of the United Federation of Planets, might find

> in one another a common ally.

> "But the Ambassador brings us news of Kerestia. None of it good,

> apparently. I want you all to give him your attention as he explains

> their plight.

> "Ambassador?"

Just before the Ambassador had a chance to speak, a blue-skinned

individual strolled into the room, carrying a PADD in hand. Looking

around at the crewmembers, he nodded his head and smiled. The thought of

being late hadn't entered his mind in the least. Getting odd looks from

security, he held up his Comm Badge and showed it to them.

"My boss sent me here for the meeting. Is this the right place?"

Getting odd looks, Frobo thought about it for a moment, then continued,

"Vincent sent me, from Food...Food Preparations. That's it. Do you know

where I can get a good seat?"

<<OOC: Thought I'd get on the ball and get back in the game. Since

Vincent's sick with the virus, thought I'd give the rest of the cooking

crew a bit of a showing.>>


Yeoman Vincent Rogers

Mess Hall Cook

U.S.S. Grail

ICQ: 8178648

If at first you don't succeed, disavow any knowledge of the attempt.


Sleep: An annoying habit I can't seem to break.