Subject: Grail: "The Great Brightness" - 'Prime Directive'
"Is it not ironic that you people are Kerestia's only hope as well?
If we can liberate Kerestia, and help put it back on the road to
self-sufficency then I can guaruntee that this crew can be cured there.
But if you choose to abandon Kerestia, you do so at you peril. Kerestia
needs you, good people. And you need Kerestia. What say you?"
T'Nek waited for a response and/or questions from the crew. He looked
visibly shaken.
François DeMontigny looked around the room. Everyone had intently
listened to the Ambassador, except for the blue-skinned cook who had
found something very interesting in the ceiling. However, none seemed
willing to answer him. None, that is, other than François...
"I am sorry to have to be the one to break this to you, Ambassador,"
he started, uncertain of how he should bring it up, "but we are sworn to
non-interference by our Prime Directive. You see, we have learned
through past experiences that interfering in another culture's
development, no matter how good our intentions are, always results in
disastrous consequences. So we devised a rule of conduct for meeting
other cultures, the Prime Directive. I am afraid there is nothing we can
do for Kerestria."
Letting his words sink in. Again, his eyes roamed the room, this time
looking for support. He knew what he said sounded cold and heartless,
but François believed in the Prime Directive. It was for the greater
"However, we can't let ourselves die, so..." he took a deep breath
before continuing, "I suggest we kidnap a few Kerestrians and steal some
of their blood before sending them back, hopefully without any knowledge
of what happened. Doctor Ramius, do you think that would be enough for
you to develop a cure?"
He asked, turning to the older man.
Lt(jg) François DeMontigny
Assistant Chief of Flight Control
USS Grail NCC 1124