Subject: Grail: "The Great Brightness" - 'A Cure?"
> "However, we can't let ourselves die, so..." he took a deep breath
> before continuing, "I suggest we kidnap a few Kerestrians and steal some
> of their blood before sending them back, hopefully without any knowledge
> of what happened. Doctor Ramius, do you think that would be enough for
> you to develop a cure?"
> He asked, turning to the older man.
William sat the PADD he had been reading upon the table before
him. He took a deep breath, then began. "At this point, I can't say. I
would need at least a day with a blood sample from a healthy Kerestian,
one that isn't a drug addict. From there, I could hyper-produce a
counter-agent to the virus in one to two days. I'd need at least a pint
of Kerestian blood to get the samples I need. However, I for one will not
be a party to Vampirism for the needs of the crew of this ship.
"And as for the Prime Directive, there is a list of violations
as long as my arm. We all know that," he said, sweeping his tired gaze
around the room. "You give me one healthy, uncontaminated Kerestian, and
I can give you a cure for the virus within three days. One more day for
distribution to all personnel, and we'll have it licked."
Having said his piece, he folded his hands before him, waiting for
another question or concern to come up.
-LtCmdr William Ramius