Subject: Grail: "The Great Brightness" - Prime Directive Be Damned (Sorry)

(OCC: My apologies for the past couple E-mails. My E-mail provider, has

been causing me some technical problems.)

J'hon bristled at mention of the Prime Directive. As the "new guy" he was loath

to get into a debate over the Prime Directive, but his honor would not allow him

to stand idly by and watch the Kerestians perish when aid was so near. He

stepped forward from his position in a far corner. When he spoke, several

officers started in surprise, having not seen him slip into the meeting.

"If I may be so bold, let me quote from Starfleet General Order 30. 'Starfleet

Command recognizes the right of each ship commander to interpret the

specifications of the Prime Directive as he sees fit, consistent with the

conditions of other existing general orders in effect, and based upon

circumstances that may arise in dealing with newly discovered sentient races.'

In my opinion, it would be unconscionable for the Majestic not to intervene when

the Kerestian's survival is in our hands. The Prime Directive was conceived to

protect other races from harmful change -- what I am proposing is their very


J'hon's eyes blazed with conviction. "Would intervention be immoral? For us

NOT to step in, for fear of contaminating their 'natural progression', is not

only amoral, it is the very definition of immorality. And do not think that I

do not understand the dangers of extraterrestrial intervention. I grew up under

the omnipresent rule of a race that did not hearken to the dictates of a Prime

Directive. Or even mercy, for that matter. However, I still maintain that

non-interference is a noble ideal, but too easily does it equate to isolationism

and apathy towards the plight of others. How can we watch an entire race

succumb to extinction, while assuaging our conscience with a moral high ground

of our own design. Our own problems with this plague are immaterial next to the

moral responsibility we have to lend our assistance. I am not proposing

kidnaping. I am not proposing discarding the Prime Directive. I AM proposing

the preservation of an entire race. A sacred duty that we are uniquely

qualified to perform."