Subject: Grail: "The Great Brightness" - 'To Hell with the Prime Directive'

<<Stardate: 47307.30- 09:ish>>

<<Observation Lounge>>

Epic sat silently, listening to the Torrilion Ambassadors outburst,

as well as feeling the rage and pain of his admittedly ovelong captivity

on Kerestia. However, in light of DeMontignys revelation of Starfleets

Ultimate Order, it was understandable. And expected.

Epic stood, bringing all gathered to silence. His face was grim and

his eyes were distant. When they finally focussed, he touched eyes with

everyone in the room, one at a time.

"When this crew was assembled, I read every bio, every dossier,

every criminal jacket, and thought: `We're not coming back from this'.

"It was abundantly clear that Starfleet was removing from their

midst any who violated their `directives'. And I am as guilty as any.

"We are a long way from home and getting farther away every day.

Ultimately, if we are ever to find the missing Voyager, we MUST finally

conflict with the Borg. It is inevitable."

There wasn't a single face that didn't show some emotion at the

mention of those mechanical corpses. Epic had to subdue his empathy to

keep from losing emotional control.

"As we journey, we will encounter more and more peoples, like Mr.

Firesprays Alterians, who have, and who will, suffer at their cold dead


"Along the way, we are going to encounter numerous peoples who will

not be prepared for the threat that the Borg represent. Some will be

easily assimilated, while others will fight, until they ultimately


"I have asked the questions of myself, while I lay in the darkness

of my bed: `What shall be done for them? What CAN be done?' I am unable

to answer those questions. Only time will tell."

Everyone was certain that Epic was leading up to a point. In his

eyes, they saw that he was getting to it.

"As we pass through the Beta Quadrant, on our way to the Delta

Quad, we will encounter more species that will be inferior to our

technology and few who are superior. Do we avoid them? Do we take from

them what we need, leaving them nothing? I cannot, in good conscience,

do that.

"We are called `animals' and `psychos' and worse. We are the

Expendables. I, however, object to those labels. We, all of us, are on a

mission that cannot hope to succeed. But, our passing will not be

unfelt. We will not slip past countless worlds as a ghost, never

touching the lives we witness.

"This mission is an opportunity for us to help all without the

restrictions and directives of the `system' that threw us away. We, the

Grail, will stand for something better. Something noble. We will fight

for the weak against the strong that oppresses them. We will tender aid

to those who are helpless.

"And I for one, will not withhold my helping hand because of an

arrogant and selfish policy made by those who reject me.

"Ambassador. You can count on the assistance of the Grail and her

crew. If there is a way to save Kerestia, we will endeavor to try. And

from them, we will accept whatever aid they can give us to help us save


"But make no mistake, we WILL do whatever it takes to save

ourselves. I will do whatever it takes to save this crew. To Hell with

the Prime Directive." Epic looked directly at Francois as he said it.

There was no challenge in his eyes. There was just the solid conviction

of a captain who expects his orders to be obeyed.

"Now...", Epic said, once again taking his seat. "What I want to

hear now is: What do we need? And what can we do for a world that will

soon be consumed by ice, and is under the Iron Thumb of selfish
