Subject: Grail:"The Great Brightness"- 'Defining The Problem'
Mirka had listened to everyone who talked. She understood the
ambassador's rage and she knew that Epic was right that they could not
just go on this mission without establishing contact with other races so
the Prime Directive would be respected. But Terrakian's words were also
dangerous, suggesting not to respect the federation's rules because it
had abandoned them could lead to a lot of trouble, but that was internal
problems, now they were talking about the Kerestrians.
"Perhaps what I am about to say won't bring any solutions to
Kerestria, but it will prevent a lot of frustrations and lost hope.
From what I gathered you said earlier Ambassador", she said looking at
T'Nek, "These Lords have taken control of the planet after their sun
exploded. They seemed to have resorted to violence in their despair.
This is not an usual reaction. I think we all want to help those
people, but before doing so, we have to define the kind of help they
need. Do they need a change in government? Maybe. But, I'm sorry to
sound cold about this, we cannot provide them that. It wouldn't be
satisfying for them in the long run anyway. What would we tell them?
"Oh, here's a better government, be happy for the last ten years of your
"Now, do those people need to be saved, yes. If we can do that,
then we should. I'm no scientist, I don't know what can be done. But I
know people, and I know that if we go to this planet without any
solutions for it's problems, we will only be one thing to them: a
mean to get out, to save themselves. From what the Ambassador told us,
these people are desperate. If we go there trying to solve their
political problems without saving their lives, they will despise us.
They will beg us to take them on our trip, they will threaten us when it
doesn't work, they will probably try to kill us. They are a world that
doesn't have anything more to loose. Now we will be their hope, and
there is nothing more bitter than false hope. Their violence can only
measure to their lost, and they have lost everything."
"Violence is not something you can erase, it's something that you
educate people against. Education takes time, time they don't have.
Now, let's give them this time and then we can solve, if it still
necessary, their political problem."
"Think about it, we are all doomed of dying of this K'Pla disease.
How would you feel if someone told you: "Here I'll give you all a better
ship to die in." Would it make you feel better?"
"I guess what I'm trying to say is let's give these people something
they can really use, not something that would make US feel better or
less guilty."
Mirka looked at the silent assemble. Maybe what she said didn't make
any sense to them. Maybe it was useless to say something like that.
Maybe she should have shut up. But she knew that it was impossible for
a third unimplicated party to bring peace to others. It could put the
problem to sleep, but it didn't solve anything. She also knew that a
despair such as Kerestrians were experiencing was very dangerous for
those around them. She finally said.
"I know I'm not bringing any solutions, but it's an order, an order on
how we should consider things. Find a way to save them, then think
about the abuse they're suffering."
Mirka Tzavaras