Subject: Grail: "The Great Brightness" - 'Beware jealous klingons!'
<<Stardate: 47307.29- 14:20>>
<<Deck 12>>
Tifa was glad the General Quarters order was about to end. The last
ten days had been hell. Security had to work twice as hard as usual to
break up fights and make people respect the order. The whole ship
contingent was suffering from cabin fever and Tifa guessed the holodeck
was going to be booked for the next week as everyone tried to shake it
off. Tifa herself had to pull double shifts more than once and was
physically and mentally exhausted. She could use a little trip to the
holodeck herself. She let her mind wander back to her hunting grounds
and purred to herself. She was patrolling the corridors on deck 12 and
they were all deserted, not to say boring. That's when she smelled
ensign Vohck T'Arna approaching. The Klingon security officer was very
easily detectable to Tifa's nose and, sure enough, she came walking
around the corner.
"Hello T'Arrrna, what...?" Tifa started but was quickly interrupted
when the klingon woman grabbed her and slammed her against the wall,
knocking the wind out of the Caitan. Pinned against the wall, there was
nothing Tifa could do against the Klingon's superior strength. She cursed
herself for letting herself be caught off guard.
"Listen to me Charr," said T'Arna, "I've seen how you turn around
the Lt. like a Bokarra in heat. Castle is mine, don't let me see you
near him again."
To emphasize her point, the larger woman drove her knee into Charr's
stomach and let her fall to the ground. As she clutched he belly in
pain, Tifa managed to speak through her gritted teeth.
"Castle belongs to himself, he..." she was cut short by T'Arna's
foot connecting with her face, sending her rolling on the ground.
"No!" she roared as she kicked Charr in the ribs cracking a rib,
"Are you deaf, you stupid cat? I have fought alongside Castle and
declared him as mine. It is my right!"
T'Arna picked up Tifa again and punched her in the stomach. then she
grabbed the Caitan by the uniform and slammed her into the bulkhead.
Roaring in victory, she walked away as quickly as she had come, leaving
Charr's unconscious body on the floor.
Ensign Tifa Charr
Security officer, USS Grail