Subject: Grail: "The Great Brightness" - 'Rules be damned'
<<Stardate: 47307.30- 09:ish>>
<<Observation Lounge>>
"But make no mistake, we WILL do whatever it takes to save
ourselves. I will do whatever it takes to save this crew. To Hell with
the Prime Directive." Epic looked directly at Francois as he said it.
There was no challenge in his eyes. There was just the solid conviction
of a captain who expects his orders to be obeyed.
"Now...", Epic said, once again taking his seat. "What I want to
hear now is: What do we need? And what can we do for a world that will
soon be consumed by ice, and is under the Iron Thumb of selfish
François just stared back at him. Epic had closed the matter. They
would not respect the Prime Directive because the it was a Federation
idea and Epic had decided to throw them away. Decided with the authority
given to him by the same Federation. They would not even try to respect
the PD. François didn't agree with him. The Prime Directive was more
than a rule, it was a philosophy and, opposed to what many people
thought, it did not forbid contact with other races. It warned against
interference. But François would not contradict him in front of
everyone, of course. Staring into his captain's deep blue eyes, he
accepted his decision and to abide by it. To the fullest extent.
"Very well, Captain," he said, before turning to the Torellion
Ambassador, "Ambassador, I am sorry if I offended you, I just thought
the question of the Prime Directive should be adressed. Now that it's
out of the way, I suggest that we ask our terraforming experts if they
can find any way we can rectify Kerestria's climate. As for the selfish
oppressors, I think we can ask Major Brinn to take care of that. After
her and her boys settle their case, we then institute a new government.
The real question, though, is: what type of government should we choose?
A monarchy? A presidential democracy? A ruling council? Another
François was serious, even if he didn't believe in his words. If
they were to play by Epic's rules, that was the best solution possible
in his opinion. What he wondered, though, was where Epic would draw the
line. Would they visit every sentient civilization from here to the
Delta Quadrant, rectifying those that didn't respect our standards?
François then looked at T'Nek. 'Is your Emperor fair and just in our
eyes, Ambassador?' he thought, 'For his sake, I hope he is, because
we're apparently cleaning up the Beta Quad.'
Lt(jg) François DeMontigny
Assistant Chief of Flight Control
USS Grail NCC 1124