Subject: Grail: "The Great Brightness" - "The dare of defiance"

Corvette Hunt heard what the captain had to say on the matter. To disregard

the prime directive. He approached the center table, and everyone turned to

him and silenced to hear what he had to say.

"As this is an open forum, everyone has the ears of the crew to hear

whatever they have to say. Whether is good, bad or simply stupid. It doesn't

matter, for what we are hearing here are personal opinions, so in that

matter, ambassador, your reaction was completely out of place, out of time.

I cannot say I agree with them all. I cannot say that I disagree with them

all. But I can surely say what is in my mind, based on analyzing the

situation of whatever has been presented so far. First of all, I have to

disagree with the captains decision. The prime directive is not something we

should throw at hell and act as if it never existed. Almost all of us

believed in the prime directive when we entered starfleet. Not so much on

what it said, but on the spirit in which it was written. That's what we have

to follow, to continue. It was later through our careers at starfleet that

we failed to trust it. We have to use it. But wisely.

Now that it has been said, moving up to the next topic. What shall we do?

Your idea, Mr. DeMontigny of installing a new form of government is

completely insane. What is the best form of government for them? What is the

best form of government for us? Democracy? Monarchy? Feudalism? Federation?

No, they have to find their own way, and they might even find a better way

than we have. What we need to give them is the time. The time for them to

find their way, as well as the hope to do so. Will that be interference?

Yes. Will we doom them into self destruction? No. They have already done

that by themselves. Will we risk ourselves to save them? Definitively yes.

It had even crossed my mind the thought of killing them all to save them

from their misery, but as I'm sure that won't happen anytime soon, I won't

mention that again. Will we vampirize on them to save our butts? We won't.

What we need to reach here, is an agreement in which both us, the Grail as a

whole will benefit, and the Kerestians will benefit as well."

Someone in the room yelled, "Like a trade."


"Exactly." Corvette responded. "A trade that will benefit us both."