Subject: Grail: "The Great Brightness" - 'Whatever Happened to Irony?'
T'Nek just looked at Fran_ois. "I'm afraid my dear chap that killing
the Lords will not help anything. Their deaths will only allow others to
step into their place. As much as I would like to, there is no honor or
logic to that plan. However, the idea of terraforming is.
Kerestia needs food, aid and technology to help them fix their world.
Changing the government will not help those problems."
François listened to the Ambassador's speach, throwing his arms in
the air in despair. 'Didn't anybody understand irony anymore?' he
thought. He then watched as T'Nek shot him a look of ice.
"You and I will have a talk later in your so called holodecks. There
you will learn that the Torrillion empire is not a pushover. I am sure
you will also learn that I am not as weak as I may seem to you."
François' eyes went wide as he realized that he was being
threatened. How could he have known what he had been thinking?
Telepathy? The bastard had blatantly been reading his mind! Inwardly,
François' anger flared, but on the outside a smile appeared on his face.
"My dear Ambassador, far from me is the thought of you being a
push-over or weak. You have obviously misread my mind," emphasizing the
last part to let everyone know that the Torellion was a mind 'rapist'.
'If you can read my mind, Ambassador, you'll know that I have much
more important things to do than squabble with you in the holodeck.'
François thought, hoping the Torrellion could read that too. He did not
like the ambassador very much. He seemed to know an awful lot about
their technology, having repeatedly referred to their transporter,
holodeck and nano-technologies. And he was strangely refusing any ideas
that were brought forth by them, shooting down François' ideas (even if
they were just made to underline a point) and Corvette Hunt's very
reasonable plan. The only good ideas seemed to be his... something was
not right here...
Lt(jg) François DeMontigny
Assistant Chief of Flight Control
USS Grail NCC 1124