Subject: USS Grail: 'The Great Brightness' - Thinking out Loud

NRPG: I could well be completely wrong about the science and

the physics of what's possible in this post, but I figured 'what

the hell, lets run with it'! If I am wrong, could someone say so?

USS Grail: 'The Great Brightness' - Thinking out Loud.

<<Stardate:47307.30- 09:ish>>

<<Observation Lounge>>

Eve had not been paying attention to most of the conversation

after the Ambassador's initial briefing. She knew there'd be an

argument based around the Prime Directive; there always was

on a Starfleet vessel when it came to helping people. And Kyrestia

needed help, and needed it badly.

*Even if we managed to terraform the planet, it would still be

too cold,* She thought. *It's just a pity we don't have anything

that could re-light the sun...*

|We can|

Eve blinked. It was her own voice speaking to her in the confines

of her head, but she wasn't worried. While she'd been on the Nova,

it had revealed itself as a sub-routine placed there to help her

adjust, and to help to calm her down should she become too panicked

over her new condition. She hadn't heard from it in almost two

months, ever since she had gotten tired of it's refusal (or inability)

to answer questions about what she was, and asked it to try and

find out.

*Were the hell have you been?* She thought.

|Doing what you instructed me to.| The voice replied.


|And what?|

*What did you find out?*

|Now is not an appropriate time.|

Eve sighed. *You aren't going to tell me, are you?*

|When the time is appropriate.|

*And when will that be?* Eve could feel the old frustration building.

She hated dealing with this voice, it never told her anything, and

always sounded just slightly smug about it, even though it was

a voice without emotion.

There was a pause. |I do not have access to that Information.|

Eve clenched her teeth, trying not to let her anger show on her

face. *Fine. So what did you mean, 'we can'?*

|Have you never heard the term 'reverse engineering'? You studied

the files on that device of the El-Aurian Scientist, did you not?|

Eve blinked. Was it even possible? Could Dr Soran's device, with

a lot of tinkering, actually be able to stimulate Kyrestia's sun and

reverse the Supernova? She'd need Janice's help to work it out,

and she need the entire Science Team to help...

She grabbed a PADD, and began tapping in theoretical calculations,

challenging the computer to prove her wrong. The results were


"It might just work!" She exclaimed out loud, not even realising

she was doing so.

"What would, Lieutenant?" It was Terrakian's voice, startling her

out of her train of thought.

She looked up, and saw all eyes on her. Quelling a rising blush,

she cleared her throat. "To reverse the supernova, Captain. By

reversing technology in the Device built and used by Doctor

Soran." She shrugged. "It's a long shot, but worth investigating."

Jason Cleaver

Lieutenant (jg) Eve Mallory

Chief Science Officer: USS Grail ICQ No: #4914684