Subject: Grail: "The Great Brightness" - Ramin's intervention 4

"You say they only have a few years left, well, what if we built a

huge biosphere up north in the ice. We could use our phaser to melt it from

orbit. Then I suggest we find some appropriate drug-free Kerestians to lead

this new government. THen we bring some more of the population. The

drug-free hard working kind. This would free them from the 'Lords' and give

them a second chance. Plus we could also give them general directions on

how to procede about revitalizing their planet, maybe even get them started."

Kyp looked around at everyone looking at him. He could they were

thinking genocide but this was the only way to ensure that the government

would be stable.

"Well, what do you think. Personally it sounds more fesable then

igniting a star."

Oku raised his hand once again.

"The sudden ignition of the star on an icing planet can kill life in it, for the depletion of water. Remember hat life beings, as far as we know them, contain about 70% of water. Just imagine the degree of dehydration achieved by a sudden increase of the planetary temperature. Remember what hapened in Alpha Orion II when the greenhouse effect generated by the nuke wars raised the temp nearly 10%. Massive dehydration. So massive they had to kill themselves and drink their blood. Do we want another chaos like that one? I think we must explore the possibility of finding another way to heat the planet, IF we want to have any Kerestian to help us in the near future."

"Besides, the meltdown of an ice cap by phasering will form unflowing deposits of water, culture field for lots of bacteria that can begin regional epidemics. I don't really have a third choice, but I just set the risks for you to know."

Everyone looked at Ramin with a look of unbelief. A voice said "Yes, he's right". Another said "No, there's no way to avoid it". People started to argue about the point.


Alfonso aka Oku Ramin