Subject: Grail: "The Great Brightness"- `Raw Nerves'
`Raw Nerves'
by Lt. Logan Castle
Security Chief
<Stardate- 47307.29- 14:45>
<Security Office>
Piotr Dimitri looked so sullen that Logan Castle thought he should
say something to the man. Granted, everyone was a little on edge with
the General Quarters restriction, Security more than anyone. Even with
the aid of Kirby's Marines, a Godsend to be sure, most Security Personnel
were forced to work double shifts.
"What's eating you, Piotr?", Castle finally blurted out. He gave it
just enough of an edge of aggravation to almost force the man to explain
"It's personal, Chief.", he said, but with the accent of a man who
was offering to confess if the inquirer were to ask twice.
"All right, Pete.", Castle patted the mans shoulder and pushed him
into his own chair. Castle sat on the edge of the desk. "Let's dish.
What's the problem?"
Dimitri wasn't all that familiar with his Chiefs vernacular, but he
got the gist. "It's Kwan, sir."
Kwan Lo Pan. Castle had a feeling he knew what came next.
"Ever since we locked up that frog, DeMontigny, he's all she ever
talks about.", Piotr shook his head in irritation. There was more, but
he ended it there.
"I thought you two were an item.", Castle poked the raw nerve. It
wasn't malicious. Castle was no Counselor, but the man needed to express
"Well, I did, too.", he confessed. "I mean, I never actually told
her, but I kinda let her know how I felt after that fight on the Indiana
when I visited her in Sickbay. But then this slick Frenchman comes in
strumming his banjo, and now I'm just another Security robot to her. She
talks to me about him like I'm her sister, for Christ's sake. She doesn't
even see what it's doing to me. That's pretty insensitive, if you ask
Castle said nothing. There was nothing to say. But when the silence
became tense, he punched the mans shoulder hard enough to sting. Piotr
rubbed his shoulder while giving Castle an incredulous look.
"C'mon, Pete. Whadayasay you and me `commandeer' a Holodeck for
`training exercises' and blow off some steam? I brought a Vegas Strip
Show program from Earth before leaving. We'll get sloshed. You can't
moon over some skirt too long. You'll become morose."
Obviously, it was the wrong thing to say. "With all due respect,
`sir'...", Piotr frowned as he stood. "I am in love. And not with a
holographic simulation or a robot...."
Dimitri's voice went dead in direct response to the look of dead
cold that fell over Castles face at that moment. Eve. This son of a
bitch just took a shot at him about Eve. He should not have done that,
Castled decided. If it had been ten days ago, he might have let it
slide, but in the last two weeks, Castle realized, his isolation from
Eve had not dulled his feelings for her. The isolation only intensified
And now, one of his subordinates whom he was trying to help decides
to spit on his feelings. And more importantly, he spit on Eve. He had
just callously classified her as a `thing' without any hesitation. It
spoke volumes about the man.
"Suddenly, Ensign...", Castle stood and leaned over the man. "I
think we should commandeer a Holodeck for training exercises. I think
unarmed combat techniques should be explored. You and me. After this
shift is over. Whadaysay to that, Ensign?"
Piotr Dimitri turned white. If he had simply run into Castle as a
stranger on the street and such a challenge were made, he would have
`gotten down' without a seconds hesitation. But Castles record in combat
was well known and his reputation on the ship was solid. Still, Piotr
was a man. He would have to either put up.....
=^=Sickbay to Security.=^= A message suddenly cut the tension.
"Castle here.", he responded.
=^=Lt. Castle. This is Dr. Ramius. One of your officers was just
recovered from Deck 12. She was brought in unconscious after a severe
assault. I need you to come here at once.=^ "I'm on my way, Doctor.", Castle replied, moving toward the exit.
He stopped in the open door. "You and me ain't finished yet, Dimitri."
Then, he left.
Lt. Logan Castle
Chief Security Officer, USS Grail