Subject: Grail:"The Great Brightness"-'Probe'
> <<Stardate: 47307.30- 09:ish>>
> <<Observation Lounge>>
> "Flight Control...", Epic addressed that department. "I understand
> you have a basic plan for navigating these treacherous gravimetric
> challenges. We would like to hear them. Keep in mind though, Engineering
> has produced a probe that will allow us greater information, so your
> plan may be enhanced and supported by that information. Is the probe
> ready for use?", Epic turned to Janice Hargen and Kaitlyn Brennan.
Janice swallowed. She didn't much feel up to entering the conversation
again, but Kait knew very little about the probe. She did feel a bit guilty
about that - she had locked herself up in the holodeck until she had gotten
it right. But she had gotten the job done, and now they were able to
venture into the "Great Brightness."
"Yes. The probe is completed. Just tell me when you want to send it out."
Her tone was flat. She just wanted to remain silent for the rest of the
meeting. But only now she realized that she was going to have to work with
Francois during the actual traversal through "The Great Brightness." After
she had singled him out before the entire meeting. She prayed that Epic
would allow her to brief Kait on the probe and have her do it. She doubted
it, though.
Glancing at Francois, then at Kait, she sighed deeply to herself, and turned
her attention back to the meeting at hand.