Subject: Grail: "The Great Brightness" - 'Flight Plan'

<<47307.30 - 09:ish>>

<<Observation Lounge>>

"Flight Control...", Epic addressed that department. "I understand

you have a basic plan for navigating these treacherous gravimetric

challenges. We would like to hear them. Keep in mind though, Engineering

has produced a probe that will allow us greater information, so your

plan may be enhanced and supported by that information. Is the probe

ready for use?", Epic turned to Janice Hargen and Kaitlyn Brennan.

The Chief Engineer took a step forward and answered, "Yes. The

probe is completed. Just tell me when you want to send it out." Her

tone was flat. It was pretty obvious that she didn't want to speak

anymore. Maybe she thought everybody was mad at her because of her 'pep

talk'. However, even though she had singled out François as one of the

childish ones, he wasn't mad at her. Fact was, she was right. François

didn't think before he spoke, hence he had suggested the vampirism plan

and the sarcastic 'kill the Lords' one. But now it was time for him to

talk about stuff he knew something about.

Casting Donucci a glance, François waited for her to give him a nod

before he stood and walked over to the viewscreen.

"During the General Quarters, Captain Hillary Singh, Kypper... I

mean Ambassador Firespray and myself have been working on finding a way

through the Great Brightness." He looked over to Singh and Firespray

and, getting approving nods from them, he continued. "Computer, display

file SCGB10." A display of the Great Brightness appeared on the screen.

Ten large stars in close proximity. "This is the Great Brightness. Our

biggest problem with it is getting acurate sensor readings since the

large amount of radiation and powerful gravitational fields interfere

with them. We found an entry point here..." he pointed to a spot in the

middle of three stars. "Once inside we will be able to navigate on the

gravitational 'borders' of the stars, where there is as much pull on one

side as on the other. This is the part we are less certain about, but

hopefully the probe will give us enough info." He looked at Janice

Hargen and gave her one of his famous smiles. "Finally, this star, the

last one we'd meet, is blocking our way out. However, that shouldn't be

a problem since we can use it's own gravity to pull us through and out

of the Great Brightness. Computer, close viewscreen."

The viewscreen returned to it's blank state and François turned to

face the assembly, his breath a little short after his speech. "So, are

there any questions, comments, praises or insults? Kypper, Hillary, do

you have anything to add?"

Lt(jg) François DeMontigny

Assistant Chief of Flight Control

USS Grail NCC 1124