Subject: Grail: "The Great Brightness" - An unexpected outburst - Part 2
> "It's not like the temperature is going to instantly change on the planet
> from 0 to 80 degrees in one day. It will take a period of months for all
> of the ice to melt and things to be getting back to normal. One of the
> things we have to consider is how they will get food also. One thing
> be to make a few replicators and teach a few of them how to do it
> themselves. That way they are at least on the right course and can start
> become self sufficient. Now that I've spoken my piece I'll let someone
> have the floor."
T'Nek muses for a moment. "I concur. I do not believe that the
re-ignition of the sun will create a drought and dehydration. On the
contrary, I believe the major problem will be controlling the water."
"However, I would not expect you to reveal any technologies to the
Kerestians that may compromise your position. A replicator is a
powerful device, and I know of a few races who have yet to perfect
that technology. If they got a hold of it the results for this
sector could be disasterous."
"Please do not get me wrong, they need all the help they can get, but
I believe handing them technology on a plate will not solve much.
Their technology is not super-advanced, they have only basic levels.
They need help, but they also need to work for their freedom. A
freedom born out of hard work and perseverence will last eons, peace
handed through technology does not"
T'Nek eyes the crowd.
"As I said, I am not being critical, just offering my opinion. Please
do not think that I am being difficult, I am just trying to do whats
best for the Kerestians, and also this sector."
> "I'm not saying we should just give them a fully functional replicator.
But I
> think we could make one that was limited to produce a few staple foods for
> until they can farm the land agian or until such time that they are able
to solve
> the food shortages themselves. I beleive that if I were given a week I
> modify a replicator to the point that it would not be giving them more
power than
> they are ready for. I think it could be done by putting in a few loops
> password protection that would prevent any incorrect usage of it."
T'Nek nods. "Yes, it is possible. It would have to be built in a way
that any attempt to open or tamper with it would cause it to
disintergrate. A standard infinite feedback loop should suffice"
"The loop is the main control I would use. But I would also suggest a
little confusion tactics. A few circuits and wires that don't have anything
to do with the rest of the internal workings. just to through any prying
minds of the correct track. Again though this all depends on command
support.I'm not saying we should just give them a fully functional
replicator. But I
think we could make one that was limited to produce a few staple foods for
until they can farm the land agian or until such time that they are able to
the food shortages themselves. I beleive that if I were given a week I
modify a replicator to the point that it would not be giving them more power
they are ready for. I think it could be done by putting in a few loops and
password protection that would prevent any incorrect usage of it."
Looking at CDR Hargen tony says. "I don't want to step on your toes CDR
but I think your department and I could work on my suggestions and have a
solution to their food shortage. I can not proceed to even look into the
without help from your people or permission from higher authority. It might
not be
much but I am willing to give up my spare time to work on this problem.
The call is yours CDR."