Subject: USS Grail - 'The Great Brightness': Disbelief

USS Grail: 'The Great Brightness' : Disbelief


Lieutenant(jg) Eve Mallory

NRPG: I know I should be writing my parts of 'Sisters...II' but

I just had to respond to this. Sorry Viv...


Eve listened to Lt. Brennan's speech with growing disbelief. She

hadn't really been paying attention to the arguments before her

outburst, and Deshaine's addition to her idea. But now she was,

she honestly couldn't believe it.

The words burst out before she could stop them. "So you are

prepared to let an entire *planet* die just for a *principle*?" She

exploded. "This is exactly the reason why I resisted joining

Starfleet; the holier-than-thou attitude of some of it's officers!"

She was looking directly at Brennan when she said this.

"If we ignore the Prime Directive on this, the Federation isn't

going to fall apart," She continued. "The original Enterprise

broke the Prime Directive so many times, Starfleet stopped

repremanding them for it! And the Enterprise-D, under Jean-Luc

'I've got a Steel Rod up my Ass' Picard, did a fairly good job

of it too. Hell, even their Second Officer, Lt. Commander Data,

an android, a *machine*, broke the PD and spoke to a little girl

from a civilization who had only just developed radio technology,

let alone warp drive! And the Enterprise then went on to save

that world and all the people on it. So if they can do it, so can we!"

Mallory guestured over at Brinn. "I agree with the Major, though.

We shouldn't give them any technology they don't or wouldn't

already have. Nor am I suggesting we overthrow these 'Lords'. But

we can save this planet from premature death, and I for one say

we do it. I doubt the Kyrestian's will make good allies even, if the

Ambassador speaks true. But let me ask you this."

"What does it say about this crew and this ship if we just go

down and act like a bunch of marauding Pirates, kidnap one of

their people just to save our own skins, and give nothing back in

return? Make a trade of it, if we have to, but we should help these

people. And damn the Prime Directive!"

Jason Cleaver

Lieutenant (jg) Eve Mallory

Chief Science Officer: USS Grail ICQ No: #4914684

"Great, she's a toaster oven. Can we go now?"

Alien Resurrection