Subject: USS Grail - 'The Great Brightness': What about food..
> Mallory guestured over at Brinn. "I agree with the Major, though.
> We shouldn't give them any technology they don't or wouldn't
> already have. Nor am I suggesting we overthrow these 'Lords'. But
> we can save this planet from premature death, and I for one say
> we do it. I doubt the Kyrestian's will make good allies even, if the
> Ambassador speaks true. But let me ask you this."
> "What does it say about this crew and this ship if we just go
> down and act like a bunch of marauding Pirates, kidnap one of
> their people just to save our own skins, and give nothing back in
> return? Make a trade of it, if we have to, but we should help these
> people. And damn the Prime Directive!"
Hearing LT. Mallory add support against his suggestion of the helping
those on Kerestia by giving them a replicator to help them have a
temporary food supply was just to much.
This was an open forum and even if he pissed someone off and was asked to
leave he had to speak his opinion.
Being one of the only ones that had no reason whatsoever to repect the
prime directive. Realizing that he was releived of the responsibility of
beleiving that it was right just because the federation thought it was
right. Tony moved forward ready to speak.
"Starfleet releived me of worrying about the prime directive when they
stripped me of my rank. I beleive that if we don't help this civilization
out by giving them a temporary means of producing food. We are condemming
them to a slow and agonizing death. It will take monthes maybe even
longer for the planet to be able to sustain itself with food unless we
help them in any way we can. If the ambassador is telling the truth about
the severity of conditions there, we have no choice but to help"
"If we only help them enough to get what we need to help ourselves that is
still piracy. Before this meeting I was thinking of how I could make
money of of this group of people. Now I'm ready to do anything in my
power to help them out. Now is there anyone here that beleives what I'm
suggesting is the right thing to do. If not I have more important things
to do than stand here arguing all day."
With that I step back scanning the group for any signs of support.
Hopping that I do not stand alone.