Subject: USS Grail - 'The Great Brightness': `Enough Talk'

<<Stardate: 47307.30- 09:ish>>

<<Observation Lounge>>

After Eve Mallorys exhortation in response to Kaitlyn Brennans

opinions, and then Brinn's angry reply, Epic decided that the meeting as

a constructive machine was over. He stood and silenced the round-robin

debate by doing so.

"As I said earlier, there will never again be a debate over the

validity or uselessness of the Prime Directive. We will disperse now and

prepare to launch the probe. Commander Hargen, proceed at your best


"After we have gained that information, Engineering, Sciences, and

Flight Control will cooperate on navigating this obstacle. Stellar

Cartography will also be on hand for recording.

"Thereafter, an attache will be sent to these `Lords' of Kerestia.

This attache will be lead by Lt. Major Brinn, and will be comprised of:

Lt. Logan Castle, Lt. Fionn, Lt. Eve Mallory, Ambassador Kyp Firespray.

Ambassador T'Nek, if you feel you can return, and your security is not

at risk, I would like you to go also.

"While in orbit above Kerestia, Engineering will work in

cooperation with Sciences. Mr. Deschaine, I want all the information we

can squeeze out of our sensors on that dead sun. After we have

determined what we are actually able to do, we will present our

ambitions to the Lords of Kerestia."

Epic took a deep breath, then blew it out. "We, the Grail, will

have no hand in the dispensation or construction of the Kerestian

government. It should be our intention and desire to save their planet

so that they might save themselves. That is all the responsibility we,

as humane people, can assume.

"And Major...", he said directly to Brinn. "We need blood. Clean

blood. If we have to fight in their `Arena' to get it, so be it.

"We will not intrude upon their lifestyles. We will only work to

insure they still have one.

"And those are orders. Move it. Dismissed."


Epic watched them all rise.