Subject: Grail: "The Great Brightness"; "A Word in Edgewise" Part 2.

<OOC: Sorry for the short post, but I can't go farther than this.>

The Captain, ignoring what had been said and ignoring his first and second


assembled teams to save Kerestia from destruction.

"The meeting has lost its constructive purpose," she could hear him reason

to himself. But

as far as Kait was concerned, the meeting held no constructive purpose in

the first place!

She couldn't voice this thought because it would be a response to the

Captain's thoughts --

indicating that she had been blatantly reading his thoughts, which would

not only offend

him and others, but would invite a reprimand.

A few people started to leave and the cohesion of the meeting was dispersed

by the

Captain's final decision... though it had been apparently his first. The

Captain had decided

from the very beginning that he was going to violate the prime directive,

and it angered

Kaitlyn more that he did so in spite of his first and second's objections.

It was wrong, and Kaitlyn would be the last person to stand for it. She

wanted to

explode, to scream, to run out the door and begone from the place as soon

as possible, but

instead she calmly called out, her hostility veiled thinly, "Mr.

Terrakian!" She refused to

acknowledge his ill-fitted captaincy. "As this is a direct violation of

the prime directive,

and not applicable to order 30, I hereby refuse to offer any assistance in

this endeavour."

Kaitlyn wanted to leave, but she had to wait for Epic Terrakian to respond

to her

proclaimed position as a conscientious objector.

"What Ye Sends Forth Comes Back To Ye

So Ever Mind The Rule Of Three

Follow This With Mind And Heart

Merry Ye Meet and Merry Ye Part...."


--From The Wiccan Rede.