Subject: Grail: "The Great Brightness"; `Answering Objections'
<<Stardate: 47307.30- 09:ish>>
<<Observation Lounge>>
Epic looked at Kaitlyn Brennan with incredulity. He put a hand up
to Lt. Fionn. "We'll discuss this in a minute, Lieutenant." Then he
turned back to his Asst. Chief Engineer."
"Lieutenant.", he addressed her and kept a firm grip on his anger.
"At this moment, I have issued no orders that violate the Prime
Directive. Will our efforts alter the natural evolution of the species
called Kerestians? If we can succeed in this endeavor, yes, I suppose we
will, by allowing them to even have a natural evolution. Will I
delivering into their hands any technology that exceeds their own? No, I
will not. Have I given any orders to affect their rule in any way? No.
Quite the contrary. I have ordered the Away Team to operate within the
cultural guidelines established by Ambassador T'Nek and whatever they
encounter when there."
Epic was starting to shake with all his repressed anger. He had
tried. The Four Deities knew he tried, to give these people a voice and
some control in their lives. But it was starting to feel like they
didn't want that. Like children, they needed to be told what to do and
when to do it. Starfleet threw them out. Now, like abuse victims, they
wanted to reflect the nature of their abusers, rather than stand for
something better. Something better that they would have a hand in
"The Kerestians are capable of warp flight.", he continued. "If
they weren't, T'Nek would not have been able to get to us. To use your
own species as an example, it was warp capability that finally made them
worthy of attention, even though they were a rabble of violent
barbarians at the time. So, then, where is the violation you object to?
"And do not forget, Lieutenant, that for our OWN survival, we need
them, too. Dr. Ramin gives us two weeks before we start falling like
"So, before you start waving a UFP flag and spitting on my
authority, LIEUTENANT!, you should either describe your perceived
violations or offer an alternative that can save lives. Ours and the
Epic stepped around the table and stood only inches before her.
::Well.....?::, he spoke directly to her mind, his eyes blazing so
blue they were almost white.