Subject: Grail: "The Great Brightness"; Preparations Pt 1 (Brinn)
As Athalya Anne strode out of the counselor's quarters, three things occured
to her. First, she had as of yet to mobilize the Marines, second that she
should brief Dr St. Claire, third.... Cmdr Hargen's face appeared before
Athalya Anne, in her mind's eye. She winced. Athalya Anne had seen the
looks the engineer had been giving her durring the meeting. Or, more
specifficly, after Athalya Anne had opened her big trap. *Law'ha'mercy!*
If looks could kill, Athalya Anne would have been dead and stuffed out the
nearest airlock. Thank goodness the counselor had been there. Otherwise,
Athalya Anne would have been very tempted to take the stairs. *Am I ever
going to get over that?* Athalya Anne wondered, and then promptly answered
herself, *Of course not.* You don't get over being beaten into a coma. But
then, Hargen, although she had Kaya's face, was not Kaya. *But it's
possible that they have the same flaws.* She nodded, justifying her
paranonoia to herself. *But if they have the same flaws, you don't want
Hargen on your bad side.*
*But still, first things first.*
"Brinn to Roak, I want four fightin' men ready to beam to Kerestia upon our
"Aye, sir."
"Brinn to St Claire," Athalya Anne invoulentarily smiled.
"St Claire here."
"What 'cha doin'?"
St Claire laughed, "This isn't a social call, now is it, Thalya?"
Athalya Anne snorted. "Wish it was." She paused, "If you're not busy,
you're needed immedantly for a briefing." Athalya Anne tried to make it
sound like like a trip to the hollodeck.
"Well, gee, that sounds like jolly good fun." Miranda said dryly.
"See you in the mess hall. Brinn out." Athalya Anne stepped into the TL.
"Deck 10."
And now, for the finale.... "Computer, prepare a message for LCmdr
Hargen." It beeped in acknowlegement.
"Commander," Athalya Anne paused, not sure how to say what she wanted to, "I
most sincerely appologize for any ill feeling between us. Perhaps we can
have a little chat together some time? Let me know. End message." She
sighed. *Androids...* she mused. *Can't live with 'em, and by god, can't
live without 'em.*
LMaj Athalya Anne Brinn