Subject: Grail:"The Great Brightness"-'Taking Control of Kaitlyn's Flagrancy'
"Taking Control of Kaitlyn's Flagrancy"
A joint post by:
LtCmdr. Janice Hargen
Lt. Kaitlyn Brennan
{OOC: Okay, this is the revised version between the two of us. Please
disregard "Flagrancy" (Kait's post) and "Taking Control" (Janice's post).
Sorry for the disruption... Thanks! :) }
::Well?:: Terrakian asked her telepathically. His anger seemed to well up
inside of Kaitlyn,
and she felt the force of his powerful anger. But as a result, her own anger
had been
dispelled, and it was only his. In response to his temper tantrum, she stood up
leaning closer in towards him, "There are _always_ alternatives, sir!"
Then she backed away, breaking the fiery bond of fury that had threatened to
engulf her by
his very proximity to her. In place of it, a calm curtain fell over her
With a more professional attitude, she continued, "First of all, Kerestia is
towards destruction right now. That _is_ their natural evolution. By forcing
this planet
back into its former M-class state, we will be changing the power structure of,
not just
Kerestia, but possibly the beta quadrant. You don't seem to even understand
implications, and playing the hand of God is not just your decision to make,
sir. We do
not necessarily need to violate the very foundations of this ship and its crew
to extract the
cure from the planet. You want an exchange? I seem to recall you saying that
blood' was a very precious commodity among the Kerestians. You haven't really
this through."
While speaking, her placidity had turned into amusement. Mr. Terrakian didn't
know her
very well. He couldn't affect her, if she didn't allow it. But she seemed to
affect him
greatly, even if it was negatively, it was still amazing. Her objection had
knocked him off
the deep end, but if she wasn't the only one able to do that, then who was to
say that he
wouldn't lose it, in a crisis situation? To give him the benefit of a doubt,
she assumed that
not just anyone could get him blazing with a metaphorical snap of a finger.
Janice Hargen cast a furious glare at Kaitlyn Brennan. Her own assistant was
directly against herself and Epic. She was nearly ready to erupt in her seat.
She knew she
wasn't only angry because of Kait, but Janice sure felt like taking it out on
her. It was that
Brinn who did it. Janice's pulse was racing, her heart beating a mile a minute
- it felt like
she would explode if she had to look at her face one moment longer.
*How dare she?* she thought, shaking with ferocity. *She goes out of her way
undermine Epic's authority! When he could use it the most... and then insult
me...* Oh,
Brinn was certainly on a roll. It took all of Janice's self-control not to
leap over the table
and tear them both apart. Both Brinn and Brennan.
Captain Terrakian's anger had not subsided, and he was clearly about to start
yelling again,
but after seeing his enraged eyes, she could barely suppress the laughter that
bubbled up
inside of her. She did not completely suppress her obvious amusement, but she
did back
up, and would be happy to leave.
Kaitlyn was not afraid of a reprimand, and she was not afraid of others'
disapproval. She
was afraid for herself, and after feeling his ire grow in intensity, she was
afraid of his
Janice had watched as Epic had gotten angrier and angrier. She had watched
Brennan had goaded him on, more and more until Janice feared he would go into
cardiac arrest if he shook much harder. But most of all, she had watched his
eyes... she shivered in spite of herself. They were nearly white. It was
"Okay, that's it!" Janice shouted, pure venom in her voice. "Everyone out and
get to work!"
But Kaitlyn had already turned around and ran out the door, to save herself
from being in
that hostile place any longer.
Kaitlyn did not go much farther than just outside of the observation lounge,
not even near
the turbolift. She was ashamed to have run out of there like a scared jack
rabbit, and if
Captain Terrakian had anything more to say, he would have the opportunity when
walked out.
People started to pour out of the observation lounge, but none of them was the
He was still inside with Janice. Fionn was the last to leave the observation
Kaitlyn gave up waiting, and her resolve started to fade. Maybe she should
apologize, but
Kait didn't think she had it in her to admit that she had handled the situation
all wrong.
Inside the observation lounge, Janice slowly walked up to Epic, who hadn't
moved since
the shouting match. She couldn't see his face, and she was glad she couldn't.
her hand on his shoulder, she took a deep intake of breath when he jumped
nearly a foot.
He looked at her, his eyes still white with fury. It sent chills down her
spine, erasing any
anger she had within herself.
"Epic. Relax. It's over." With that, she took him in her arms, trying to
calm him.