Subject: USS Grail: 'The Great Brightness' - 'I Know You!'

<<Stardate 47307. 30. 17:45>>

<<Ten Foward>>

Mirka walked into Ten Foward hoping the faces there would be

different than this morning. Her headache was almost gone and she

needed to keep busy so she wouldn't think too much. She looked around

and spotted the man she was looking for. François DeMontigny was sitting

at the bar, his back turned to her. Mirka smiled, she was going to try

to do this the nice way, for old times sake. She walked over to him,

putting her hands over his eyes from behind him.

"Bonjour François, j'ai encore envie de faire l'amour avec toi,"(1)

she said in her most sensuous voice.

"Prend un numéro, mon coeur,"(2) DeMontigny replied, a grin forming

on his face.

Mirka burst into laughter.

"Very good François, you haven't changed."

François turned around and looked her over. He liked what he saw. It

was the ship's new counselor that he couldn't quite identify. She seemed

familiar, but as with so many other women, he still couldn't quite place


"It's good to see you too..." he said, standing up and giving her a


Mirka laughed again.

"You don't remember me." It wasn't a question. "How is Jarek?" she


François looked at her more closely, then it struck him.

"Mirka! My Greek goddess! How could I have forgotten you?"

"That's what I was wondering..." she teased.

François smiled. "Let's get a table."

They walked over to a free table and sat down.

"You've change your hair, that's why I didn't reconize you" He said.

She looked at him her eyes were twinkling with laughter. " Yeah,


"So are you still with your old fart?" asked DeMontigny.

"Who?... Oh, you mean Jack? I wasn't 'with' him, we were just

exchanging... point of views." she smiled.

"I told you that after making love to DeMontigny..."

"Yeah, I know. Since then I've been looking for you in every man I

meet." They both laughed.

A moment passed, neither of them were talking. Remembering old days.

It was only three years ago, but it seemed like ages now. They both new

where this conversation was going, but they tried to let the pleasure of

their reunion last as long as possible.

"So why in the world are you the Grail's new counselor?" François

finally asked. He couldn't believe it. Mirka the counselor? What was

he going to do to dodge her? He couldn't seduce her, that had already

been done (or had it been the other way around?). And running was out of

the question, there was no way to run on the Grail. This was bad news


Mirka looked at him, he was nervous. She laughed, a soft laugh,

almost evil François thought.

"Don't worry François, being stuck in teenagehood doesn't make you

unfit for duty."

DeMontigny laughed nervously. She was enjoying this. She knew he

couldn't manipulate her and she flaunted it in his face. Oh well, if he

had to face the music, he'd do it with style.

"So," She asked " How have you been?" He knew where this was going.

There was no way he was getting into an attitude analysis with Mirka or

anyone. He had to change the subject. He bent over and whispered in her


"I have a special way of treating counselors, you know." he said with

a smile.

"Don't say it François, you are already in enough trouble as it is."

She made a little grimace and went on. Wishing she could do this

another way, but knowing that if she let him go on, he would try to

escape. "Now, being stucked in teenagehood won't make you unfit for

duty, BUT being a loose canon will. Let's move this to my office, shall


François looked at her, neither of them was smiling anymore. She

knew him too well. He should've known not to try his charms with Mirka.

Now she had definitly backed him into a corner and he had no choice but

to follow her.



(1) Hi François, I want make love to you again.

(2) Take a number, my heart.

Lt (jg) François Demontigny

Counselor Mirka Tzavaras