Subject: Grail: "The Great Brightness" - `Resonant Responses'

<<Stardate: 47307.30- 10:04>>

<<Observation Lounge>>

Epic watched Janice Hargen leave with an expression akin to

admiration. She had succeeded in quelling his rage and reminding him

that just because most disagreed with him, it didn't make him wrong. And

with the clearing of his head of its bee-swarm of anger, he allowed

himself to relax.

The `Family Meeting' was a bad idea. An idea that would not be

repeated. Live and learn.

{{{{Mommy?}}}}}, Epic heard in his mind. {{{{Mommy? Mommy

stop!}}}}} The confusion and distress that Kaede felt caused Epics heart

to pound in sympathetic fear. Without a clear idea where he was running

to, Epic ran out of the Lounge.

The Bridge crew had little time to `smarten up' as Epic entered and

left. The turbolift responded immediately. Epic had no idea what command

to give. "Computer: Locate Lieutenant Arda Kaje."

=^=Lt. Arda is on Deck 10, Section 12.=^ "Deck 10.", Epic commanded harshly.

He bounced nervously waiting for the lift to achieve it's


<<Deck 10>>

Epic slipped through the still opening doors, first feeling the

profound sadness, then seeing Kaje curled on her haunches on the floor,

her back against the wall. A security officer was leaning over her, but

Epics approach caught his notice. "Dismissed, Ensign.", Epic commanded,

shouldering passed the man, kneeling before Kaje.

"It's me.", he whispered to her.

Her head came away from her hands, her eyes fluid and pleading.

{{{{Daddy is with Mommy now, Kaede.}}}}, Kaje heard through her

daughters thoughts. {{{{We're coming to get you. Everything is fine.}}}}

Epic took Kajes hand and she flinched. Only for a moment did Epic

feel a twinge from the rejection. Then, he saw the swollen knuckles. He

took her other hand and helped her to her feet. She allowed him to help

her, but it was obvious that she wanted to resist. But Epic allowed no

resistance. He helped her up and put his arm around her, easing her head

into his shoulder.

{{{Shhhh. It's all right.}}}, Epic spoke to her through her

daughter. The soothing voice was somehow softened through the little

girls perceptions. {{{Let's get you home. I'll have a nusre come see you

in your quarters. You are relieved for the remainder of this shift. That

is an order.}}} There was only concern and sympathy in his voice.

{{{I'll bring Kaede to you after I see Dr. Ramius and Dr. Ramin. We'll

talk then, if you want to.}}}


They walked in silence until they stopped before her door.