Subject: Grail:"The Great Brightness"-'Flaring up'

Grail:"The Great Brightness"-'Flaring up'

by: LtCmdr Janice Hargen

<<Stardate: 47307.30 - 09:30>>

<<Main Bridge>>

Janice walked out of the observation lounge, much calmer than she had been

before. Somehow, her time spent with Epic, reassuring him, had calmed her as

well as him. *Of course, I wouldn't have needed to calm him if the rest of the

crew hadn't been so... stupid!* she thought, frustrated. A spark of anger

ignited again - anger directed towards Kaitlyn Brennan and Athalya Anne Brinn

specifically. Her eyes narrowed as she head for the turbolift - she was going

to have to have a talk with her assistant the moment she reached Main


She had almost reached the turbolift when a flash ran past her and into it. She

stopped, startled. It was Epic - he looked almost panicked as the doors closed

past him. She looked at the closed doors for a moment, her heart thumping

wildly. *What got into him?* she asked worriedly. She grit her teeth.

Whatever it was, she prayed Epic would be okay. That ridiculous senior staff of

his had driven him nearly mad - she worried for his health if they continued.

Fuming again, she entered the other turbolift and directed it to Main

Engineering. She disliked getting angry - but when she did, nearly nothing

turned it off. She had a temper that would frighten a Klingon. In fact, it

had, on more than one occasion. The turbolift doors opened to show her the

familiar scene of Main Engineering - her home away from home.

Immediately, her tense posture relaxed somewhat. The engines always did that to

her - made her feel more 'centered.' But it didn't keep her from marching

directly towards Brennan and standing directly between her and the console she

had been working at.

"Lt. Brennan, in my office, now," she commanded. There was no request in the

statement, it was pure order. She turned on her heel and nearly ran to her

office, with the pace that her walk was at. She sat at her desk and turned to

stare coldly at her assistant.

"Lt. Brennan, it is my duty to inform you that you need not collaborate in this

endeavor. The captain wishes to have no one involved unless they wish to be.

Is that understood?"

{OOC: Kait, you up for a joint? If you don't have time, then just send a quick

reply... thanks!!!}