Subject: Grail: The Great Brightness - This House Divided
`This House Divided'
...we live inside it,
and Hates hiding place is behind our doors
On fitful nights, hear it walk the floor
and hear it rave,
as it moans and drags along its ball and chain...
10,000 Maniacs- From "Our Time in Eden"
(Ok. So it ain't as sophisticated as Jessica-Lynnes tastes, but I like
it [wink at Jessica-Lynne])
<Stardate: 47307.30- 10:09>
Logan Castle stood in the quiet of his office and tried to make
sense out of the last hour. It wasn't that he disagreed with the
Captains philosophy on how to proceed from this day forward. Actually,
there was a naive nobility in the Betazoids intentions that Castle
reponded well to. But it was the way he said it that got everyone out of
their chairs.
`To Hell with the Prime Directive'.
Definitely not the thing to say in that particular crowd. Castle
himself was unaffected by the proclamation. The Prime Directive was an
order that had been violated repeatedly over the centuries since its
inception. Hell, Starfleet itself barely followed its spirit. If they
did honor their own rules, Starfleet Intelligence and the IMS would have
been prosecuted into extinction before it was even really created.
But there were some, like Athayla Anne Brinn, who took their oaths
very seriously. There were some, though, whose reactions he would not
have expected. Like DeMontigny and Brennan. That spunky little Irish
girl really came out of the chute on fire. Castle thought for sure that
the Captain was going to crush her, or suck her blood, or zap her, or
whatever the hell else he was rumored to be capable of.
But he kept it in his pants, so to speak. And his rage was
powerful. Castle felt it like heat. If the Captain had flipped at that
moment, Logan was prepared to stop the man, but, fortunately, it hadn't
come to that. Besides, Comm. Hargen cut that one off at the pass.
Weird one, that Janice Hargen. Her `folder' read like she would be
the first to string up a superior officer, but she seemd the only real
ally Terrakian had. Of course, the `schoolgirl' looks she always seemed
to favor the Captain with might have had something to do with it. Castle
shrugged. He had always assumed that Terrakian and Arda were sort of a
`thing', what with the whole `baby' situation. But there definitely
seemed to be something passing between the Captain and the Chief
Castle shrugged. He had certainly set his pole on more than one
stream at a time in his life, but Terrakian didn't seem the type. If
anything, he considered the Captain almost non-sexual. Whatever. Where
he dipped his pen had little bearing on the problem.
And Castle saw a problem.
Too many people, too many `command' people, had spoken out against
him. What did that mean ultimately? He couldn't guess at the moment. It
was still too fresh. But he had to give it serious thought. The security
of this ship required that he anticipate problems like this. Time would
But no matter what developed, Castle still thought that Terrakian
was a good man. A good man who was put in charge of the `rotten apples'.
And he had never seen a good apple bring out the shine in a barrel full
of rotten ones. Eventually, the good apple bruised and rotted too.
It was beyond his scope at this point. All he could do was take it
one day at a time right now. And he had work to do. He tapped his
"Beta Shift. Report to the Security Briefing Room. En. Tifa Charr,
if you're not busy, I'd like to see you in my office immediately...."
<Tifa Reply>
{OOC: It all smells like smoke and shit, but I'm back in my place. I
couldn't believe all the messages waiting for me. Hope noone missed me
too bad. `Kurt who?' :)
Lt. Logan Castle
Chief Security Officer, USS Grail