Subject: Grail: The Great Brightness - Concerns of a Security Officer
<Stardate: 47307.30- 9:ish>
<Observation Lounge>
Tifa had watched the meeting in silence, not having much to say
anyway. When the handsome helmsman mentioned that Ambassador T'Nek had
read his mind, however, her interest was peaked and anger began to boil
inside her. If he read minds here, maybe he had read hers while she
escorted him earlier. That would certainly explain his uncanny knowledge
of Federation technology. Her mind went back to her meeting with 'Doc'
Trellor and how she had learned that he had read her mind. The feelings
of invasion and powerlessness also returned. Looking at the ambassador,
she decided that if he had indeed read her mind, she would learn a lot
more about Torellion anatomy... first hand.
The meeting had continued, with everyone screaming at each other
and debating the Prime Directive. What really caught Tifa's attention
next was the Chief Engineer, Lt. Cmdr Janice Hargen. When she spoke up,
Tifa noticed that she smelled... strange. Her skin's acidity and her
sweat were a little off, but that's not what bothered Charr, that could
be just a fluke of nature. Janice's smell seemed to lack... subtance.
Tifa couldn't really explain it, it was as if she could smell everything
that was on the outside, skin, sweat, hair, etc, but the background
smells of flesh and meat were missing. Tifa had only smelled something
similar once before. It was how Eve Mallory smelled.
The Caitan knew that Mallory was an android, or more precisely, a
replicant. She had read her file, and more importantly, had seen her in
action only the day before. But what of Hargen? Was she also an android?
Unlikely, Tifa thought she read in her file that she had grown up on
Earth, normally. Unless the woman speaking at the meeting wasn't Janice
Hargen. An android imposter? Tifa's eyes locked on the woman. This
warranted further investigation.
When the meeting broke up, Tifa passed behind the Chief Engineer,
her ears listening carefully, but with all the other poeple walking by,
she couldn't be sure if she heard a heartbeat or not. She would have to
try another time. She then escorted Ambassador T'Nek back to his
quarters and left him in Kwan Lo Pan's capable hands. Charr decided to
share her concerns with her superior and so, she headed for the
turbolift. Moments later, she walked out and headed for Logan Castle's
office. As she arrived at his door, her communicator chirped and she
heard her superior's voice.
"Beta Shift. Report to the Security Briefing Room. En. Tifa Charr,
if you're not busy, I'd like to see you in my office immediately...."
Just then his office doors opened and Tifa walked in,
uncounsciously swaying her hips a little more than usual. Castle seemed
a little surprised to see her enter, but obviously not unhappy.
"Ensign Tifa Charrrr rrreporting, sirrr!" she said.
Ensign Tifa Charr
Security officer, USS Grail