Subject: Grail: The Great Brightness - Going Down
(OOC: Guess I found some time after all...)
<Stardate 47307.30 - 09:35>
<Observation Lounge>
Everyone was leaving at the Captain's order. Oku Ramin felt an urge to talk with Capt. Terrakian, but he wanted Dr. Ramius to be there while he did. As Dr. Ramius was walking to the door, Ramin grabbed him from his shoulder and said "Please, Doctor. Wait a while".
Then they approached Capt. Terrakian at Ramin's indication.
"Captain" he begun "about the away mission... there's something I want to say, and that's why I asked Dr. Ramius to be here."
William stood, his arms corssed over his chest, holding the PADD he had been reading earlier close
to him.
Epic turned his almost white-eyed gaze toward the pair of physicians. He almost didn't recognize them. He stared for a long moment before answering in a voice that was little more than a rasp. "Give me an hour." Then, Epic turned to face the windows of the Observation Lounge.
<1 hour later...>
"Gentlemen" began Ramin "I wanted to have you here because I have a formal petition to you, Captain. I want you to include me in the away team," said Oku.
Epic could think of only one reason to object, that being, he did not want to risk any command medical personnel in such a potentially hostile situation. But before he could say a word, Dr. Ramius spoke.
"In your condition? And after a surgical procedure?" said William.
"Yes, I know. But I think I should be there for several reasons: One, someone needs to assess the real health problem of the planet. Two, to determine the biological safety of the crew there. Three, to propose any treatment for the outcoming diseases due to the cold to the people of Kerestia. Four, to describe, if neccesary, the status of the disease aboard, for any possible sampling without violent actions, and make a trade. Five, to have records of the Kerestians in the Medical databases - And six... I've never been in a First Contact."
"Well, actually," responded Dr. Ramius, calmly "there is already a doctor assigned to the away team, but I cannot think of a better candidate to send. Oku found the virus and began the initial study. And I have no intention of leaving the ship until we've synthesized a counter to this thing. As far as I'm concerned, Oku, you are free to go with Doctor St. Claire on this mission. I have no objections, and I have things to attend to. Good day Doctor, Captain," he said, indicating each with a polite nod of his head. He headed out of Sickbay, concentrating upon a nap that would mercifully come at the end of his shift."
Epic listened to Dr. Ramins reasons for wanting to go, then Dr. Ramius' approval. And his reasons for approving. Epic crossed his arms and nodded. "Doctors. Your reasoning is sound. However, I still want Dr. St. Claire to remain as your assistant, Dr. Ramin. You are not at your peak and she will be useful to you. I leave the rest of your requirements to Dr. Ramius' discretion. Thank you for your dedication, Gentlemen."
With that, Epic spun smartly on his heels and departed.
Oku was then left alone, in SickBay. He was smiling in his face, but chilling in fear inside. Who would know how will that be? Why did he do that? And, will he succeed?
As uncertain events were about to come, it was not time for wandering. Oku got to the BioLab and started to prepare his notes, equipment and a little bit of courage...
Joint post by:
Dr. Oku Ramin
Dr. Ramius
Capt. Terrakian