Subject: Grail: The Great Brightness - "Visitors in the Night"

OOC: Use your imagination with this one. Remeber, T'Nek doesn't have

superpowers, so don't get upset by his meeting with a "god". :P

In Character begins:


"Don't you ever do that again" trembled Epic.

T'Nek smiled inwardly. "My dear Captain, you will learn one day that

you should accept all the support and help you get. I am sorry if it

offended you, but you were in a state of Koshar, and it felt as if

your very mind was about to explode. I will refrain from helping you

without your consent in the future. Kilaro Eliios, my friend"

<<Friend ? Why had he said that? Without realising it, T'Nek realised

that he respected this man. I could help him if he would only gt rid

of that xenophobic streak...>>

T'Nek bowed slightly, then retired to his room. The stock standard

Securtiy escort lead him to his temporary quarters. He entered the

room, leaving them outside.

"Computer, play some Ooolooma music for me"

~Unable to comply. Unknown genre~

"Oh bother. Play something.. light, with a nice melody. Something...

meditating.." ~Confirmed~ The sounds of human voices chanting filled

the room, bathed in classical music. T'Nek kneeled on the floor, and

began to speak:

"Tilmook, Ethos. Tanos, Ellios. Kipilla, Mystos! Senook, Thoth.

Assay, Merlon. Kepall, LightBird!"

T'Nek repeated that a few times.

"Ellios, the balance, guardian of Torillia, keeper of the flame. I

pray to you, help these people on this starship. Give them guidance,

they are fragmented and broken. They need to be brought together, by a

common goal. Help them to find that goal in Kerestia. The Captain of

this vessel needs your calming strength, help him.."

T'Nek was cut off by a deep voice.

"Why do you care so much for Kerestia? It is put a small planet in

this Galaxy. You are a child of the Seven, you have much more

important business to attend to."

T'Nek whirled around to face none other than Ellios himself.

"My...Lord!" T'Nek bowed deeply.

"Kerestia is dying, as I'm sure you have noticed. It needs help! How

can I let them fade out of existance ? This ship is the answer..."

Ellios spoke again: "It is not for you to judge what should exist and

what should die. Remeber that! You have also revealed the K'Pla to

them. Why ?"

"My Lord! I meant no disrespect, but as I can not leave Kerestia to

die neither can I abandon this ship. You know as well as I do that

they will not be able to formulate a lasting cure without my help, or

the help of Neelon. I must, I WILL help them!"

Eliios laughed. "My child, you are so full of energy and have such a

strong conviction to help others. You were created well. It shall be

as you wish. I will allow you to help this ship, and this planet. But

remeber your goal. THAT is why you exist! Do not fail us, T'Nek. You

may still join us one day."

T'Nek sighed. "I would like to... stay on this ship. I think I would

be able to help them greatly, and It will benefit me and my goal.

Provided I can convince them I would be a useful addition, you

understand. And what about when they meet the Xill? I mean, there is

no way they...."

Eliios laughed out loud at the figure before him. "You worry too much

about others, beloved T'Nek. It will most likely be your undoing. But

it is honorable, and that is what matters. Yes, I think I'll grant

you that. You may go along with this federation ship."

"Thankyou my Lord"

Ellios sighed. "I am needed in the Continuim. I will be back later.

Do not fail the Seven! Killaro, Cue!"

T'Nek bowed once more. "Killaro Ellios."

With that, the Looming form of Ellios vanished and T'Nek fell to his

bed, tired and exhausted. What a day today had been. Just as he was

about to fall asleep, he remebered something.

"Computer, please inform the Captain i wish to see him tommorow

morning, provided he has calmed down.And with that T'Nek fell into a

deep sleep.


Ambassador T'Nek Destazio