Subject: Grail: "The Great Brightness" -'Thoughts of T'Nek, Words to Oku'

<<19:44 hrs>>

<<Ten Foward>>

Mirka's thoughts had shifted from her worries about the people of the

ship to the Torellion Ambassador. It was his fault really if the

already fragile emotional state of the ship had become even more

precarious. The man kept bringing bad news and shoving in their face

that they were too incompetent to do anything about them. Plus, from

what she understood in François' words at the meeting, he used his

abilities to read their mind without their consent. She then realized

that she was doing like the rest of them and accusing the Ambassador of

all sins. They didn't know him and they didn't know Torellions, maybe

it was their way. She should get to know T'Nek and give him the benefit

of the doubt before deciding to dislike him. Anyway, it wasn't like he

was the only one on the ship using his telephatics abilities to steal

from others... she was reminded of a certain empathic captain, still

shivering at the thought of what Epic did. She promised herself to give

the ambassador a chance.

That's when she saw Dr Ramin come in. She still couldn't believe

that he was walking around with the disease. What was that protecting

thing he wore to prevent others from catching it called again? She


"Hello doctor," she smiled at him as he came by her table. "How have

you been since the last time we talked? I worried about you." Then she

looked at him with a grave expresion on her face. "I still worry, don't

you think you should be resting?" She suddenly got the feeling that she

was telling everyone to get some sleep. If they all listen to her

nothing would get done on this ship. "Well... I mean aren't you

overdoing it a little?" Realizing he was still standing up, she motioned

him to sit.


Counselor Mirka Tzavaras