Subject: Grail: The Great Brightness - Arda

"Break Down", SD 47307.30 - 10:06

Lt Arda Kaje

Arda didn't know that she had drawn the attention of a random

security officer. He hovered near, watching to see if she was alright,

but she gave him no response. Her awareness was smothered in a fog, the

only things even managing to pierce through were her daughter's soft sobs

of fear and uncertainty, and the dull, throbbing ache in her hand.

Suddenly, the young ensign snapped to attention as the Captain arrived.

"Dismissed, Ensign," Epic commanded, shouldering past the man,

kneeling before Kaje. "It's me."

The voice stirred something inside, forcing her to finally take

notice of her surroundings. Epic's eyes were filled with deep concern.

{{{{Daddy is with Mommy now, Kaede,}}}} Kaje heard through her

daughter's thoughts. {{{{We're coming to get you. Everything is

fine.}}}} He took her hand, not knowing that she had just slammed it

into the wall. Needles of pain arched their way up her wrist and she

instinctively pulled back. Only for a moment did Epic

feel a twinge from the rejection. Taking her other hand, Epic almost

picked her up off the floor. He wasn't taking her body's 'no' for an

answer. She let him hold her.

{{{{Shhhh. It's all right,}}}} Epic spoke to her through her

daughter. The soothing voice was somehow softened through the little

girl's perceptions. {{{{Let's get you home. I'll have a nurse come see

you in your quarters. You are relieved for the remainder of this shift.

That is an order.}}}} There was only concern and sympathy in his voice.

{{{{I'll bring Kaede to you after I see Dr. Ramius and Dr. Ramin. We'll

talk then, if you want to.}}}} They walked in silence until they stopped

before her door.

Epic keyed it open and guided her in. Inside, Arda hated herself

for being this way. She had been doing so well and, now, she was having

another break down. She hadn't had one in months. Epic laid her on her

bed and, after getting her comfortable with a small pillow under her

swollen hand, left for Sickbay.

{{{{Get some rest,}}}} he told her. She sighed.

"I'm sorry," she whispered to the empty room. She covered her

face with her left hand, rolling slightly to her side, and sobbed again,

more out of remorse for ending up back in this condition than for the

memories the Prime Directive debate had brought back.

Jessica-Lynne Sullivan


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