Subject: Grail: "The Great Brightness" - 'At Olympus' door'
<<Stardate 47307.29 21:00>>
<<Counselor's office>>
Mirka laid back on her office chair with a sigh. This had been a
very long ten days. Getting accustomed to all the duties that were
inquired by a ship counselor was a lot harder than she had anticipated.
She rubbed her eyes trying to shake the sleepiness out of them. She had
just finished reading the file on Lt.(jg) François DeMontigny who had
been sent to the brig a few days earlier. She thought that she might try
to understand what drove the man there by looking at his record. She
didn't need to do it, she knew François from a long time ago. But she
wanted to be professional about this and not judge a man by the past
impressions he gave her but from what he was right now. In François's
case he was the same. Men like him didn't change she thought with a
smile, they were forever stuck into teenagehood. Mirka didn't mind men
like that, they were... entertaining and always ready to serve a lady in
'distress' which could be handy at one time or the other. DeMontigny
sure had been in the past. She wondered if he would remember her. She
doubted it, guys like that rarely remembered women when they were fully
dressed. Well she would see that in a few minutes because she had
decided to do her daily stop at the bridge on the yellow shift. She had
not seen that part of the bridge crew work together yet and she wanted
She hadn't seen François yet, just like she hadn't met so many crew
members. For the last ten days, Mirka had been busy trying to calm
things down by talking to people, giving them hope, so much so that she
sounded like a damn TV evangelist. But things were different now, now
passengers saw her as one of 'them', as a member of the Senior Staff.
She wasn't Mirka anymore, she was the Counselor. A barrier had risen
between her and the other passengers. She felt like a human that had
suddenly become a half-god. Now people respected her, but didn't
befriend her.
As far as her contacts with the senior staff went, things could have
been better. For them, she was a civilian, she hadn't proven herself
yet. They were all so busy doing things, trying to find a way through
the Great Brightness, keeping the peace (many fights had broken out
during the GQ) and making some kind of probe. She sighed heavily. In the
middle of all this, she felt pretty useless. She had thought she could
help them, but what did she know about Starships?
Half-god indeed, she was no longer a mere mortal, but she still
didn't quite fit in Olympus yet.
Mirka Tzavaras
Ship's Counselor