Subject: Grail: "The Great Brightness" - 'Security and Telepathy'

<Stardate: 47307.30- 10:10>

<Security Office>

No sooner had Castle issued the order, Tifa Charr walked in the

door. She seemed relaxed compared to how `cagey' she had seemed at the

meeting. And why did she have to walk that way?

Castle swallowed his ... emotions.. and nodded at her prompt


"You lost a little bit of your objectivity with the T'Arna

situation yesterday. I can appreciate your feelings in the matter, but

you were on duty at the time. Am I going to need to be concerned about

your responses in the future?"

Tifa took a deep breath. Of course, he was right. She had totally

lost it when she woke up in Sickbay after T'Arna's attack. Could she

control herself if it happened again? She didn't know.

"The circumstances of yesterrrday's events were... exceptional,

sirrr." she started, "There is no rrreason for you to be concerrrned

about my future rrresponses. They will be the same as always."

Castle listened, paying more attention to her tone than her words.

She was not human and he was not Caitan. He supposed he was going to

have to expect some differences. He just didn't want to have to `gun

down' any more of his personnel in the midsts of a crisis.

Then, he seemed to simply let it go.

"The reason I wanted to talk to you was: When we arrive at

Kerestia, I want you to be with me. Your enhanced senses will come in

handy.", he said being completely open. "Especially if we need to find

`clean' blood and the local government decides to refuse to aid us."

Tifa only nodded. Although some Caitans would have been insulted to

be chosen for their senses rather than their competence, Tifa saw no

difference between the two. Her senses gave her an edge and she prided

herself in them.

Then Castles silence became somewhat awkward. He seemed... pensive.

"Also. I just wanted to let you know how sorry I am that you had to

suffer that abuse from En. T'Arna. I know it isn't directly my fault,

but I still just wanted to let you know that... Well... I'm sorry."

Tifa shook her head.

"Sirrr, ensign T'Arna acted the way she did because she is

derrranged." she said, before adding with a smile, "You might be verrry

handsome, but you arrren't THAT irrrrresistable."

She laughed softly and Castle smiled back. Then the awkward silence


"Sirrr," Tifa broke it, "if that is all, I would like to reporrrt

on a couple of matters." Logan nodded and she continued, "First, I would

like to talk about the Torrrillion ambassador, T'Nek. I do not trrrust

him, sirrr. As you also werrre at the meeting, you must of heard the

helmsman, DeMontigny, rrremark about T'Nek reading his mind. If this is

trrrue, then that would explain the advanced knowledge of our technology

he seems to possess. Since we do not know much about his trrrue

intentions, I rrrecommend assigning him an escort with telepathic

abilities until we do."

Castle seemed to ponder what she said for a long while before

speaking. "I am not of the opinion that this Ambassador T'Nek means us

any harm. And his ability to read minds is not altogether different than

your own exceptional abilitities. Can we expect him to simply blind

himself because we can't see?" The question was rhetorical of course.

"However, your concerns have merit. I will contact Comm. Hunt about

loaning us one of his people. Marla Contreau is her name I think. She's

Betazoid." Then Castles tone became lower. "I mean he's got his `spooks'

all over this ship. Let's give them someone better to spy on besides


"And you said there were other matters?" Castle asked.

Tifa winced. Should she tell him about her doubts concerning Janice

Hargen? Now that she thought about it, she didn't have much on her,

besides her smell. She decided to push her investigation a little

further before sharing her concerns.

"No sirrr. There arrre no other matters at the moment. That is

all." she said, standing up straight to wait for her dismissal.

`Why did she wince?', Castle wondered. He moved to the other side

of his desk and sat. "I trust that whatever other investigations you

pursue, you'll give me a report when there is something to report."

There was no question in the statement. It was more advice really.

"I'm going to be meeting with the rest of the shift in a few

minutes. I just want to give them `busy' assignments for when we hit

Kerestia. How do you feel about chaperoning our Ambassador until I can

get Mr. Hunts psychic on-line?" Castles smile showed his ironic humor.

"And Tifa. We can't expect him to blind himself, but we can find

ways to blind him ourselves. Speak with En. Garek. He is Vulcan. He

might be helpful in teaching us ways to mask our thoughts in the

presence of telepaths. If you determine his advice is useful, perhaps we

could institute these measures in our regular training. Feel like taking

on such an assignment?"

Although she didn't like the idea of being around the Torillion,

especially if he DID read minds, Tifa's sense of duty was stronger.

"Yes sirrr, I will attend to both matters as soon as possible." she

said with a nod.

"Then if that is all, you are dismissed." responded Castle.

Tifa turned around and left, her hips swaying and her tail moving

sensually as she walked. Castle coudn't help but watch and smile.


Joint post by Tifa Charr and Logan Castle