Subject: Grail: "The Great Brightness" -'Stressed'

<Stardate 47307.30 19:17 hrs>


"Hello, Counselor", Oku replied to Mirka's greetings, "I'm

controlled. Don't worry, you won't catch the infection". Then Oku took

his med tricorder and scanned himself. Then he showed it to the


Mirka looked at the tricorder, but she still didn't quite understand

how those things worked. She looked at Oku and said. "I'm not worried

about catching anything doctor. I'm sure you're conscientious enough

not to walk around knowing you could infect everyone. Like I said, I'm

worry about you, I think you might be over doing it a little. Now,

please take a seat. "

As he sat down Oku explained.

"No need to worry, counselor. In fact, I just needed to talk to

someone, you know. For two weeks I've been rather isolated and now I'm

gonna face a whole different situation as soon as we reach the planet.

I'll have to deal with a dying population and a way to cure this crew.

I'm damned scared."

Mirka looked at him thoughtfully. "I didn't know you were going down

on Kerestria. But still, maybe the problem is that you feel like you're

alone in this thing when you're not. I believe doctor St-Claire will be

down there with you and doctor Ramius is working on finding a cure too.

I know that having the infection, you must feel like you're the only one

who really understand the urge of finding a cure, but believe me you're


Oku went on, "Yes, I know that, but I have been through a lot these

days. You know, I'm a doctor, not a psychologist, but I feel I am

getting very stressed. And in Thairia we have a saying: "Thou art dead

as by sword if thou don't speak at least a word". And I guess that's

what is getting to me."

Mirka smiled. "You don't need to be a psychologist to realise you're

getting stressed. And it's very natural for you to feel that way right

now. I would worry if you weren't. Everyone on the ship is feeling

edgy, and in regard of all that's happened and all that is bound to

happen, it's quite normal. And it's also very good to talk about your

worries, you must know that."

Oku nodded "Well, let's stop talking about me. How are you?"

Again the counselor smiled, a sad smile. *Like hell* Mirka thought but

said otherwise. "I'm fine doctor, I don't seem to feel any of the

effects of the infection yet and I'm really busy, so it keeps me from

getting over anxious." *Liar* an inner voice told her. But she kept on

smiling. She hated to talk about herself: it always made her feel

uncomfortable. She studied psychology so she wouldn't have to talk

about her, but instead listen to people talk about themselves. She

looked at Oku, he seemed tired all of the sudden. "You should get some

rest doctor, you'll need it if you say you're going down on Kerestria."

Oku stared at the counselor. He knew she wouldn't elaborate on her feelings. He thought the counselor's worry abut him was legitimate, but

he felt some avoidance anyway, so he just said "Guess you're right."

Then he looked down. "You know what? You're the first person to whom I

have a non-professional chat in this ship. And I know it shouldn't be

that way, but see, I'm not good at interpersonal relationships. Anyway,

thank you for listening to me."

Mirka smiled in a "you're welcome" expression. Then Oku said "I wish the

best to you. May the Elders of Truth be with you.", stood up, leaving

the chair in which he was seated, and walked out, calmly.

On his way to his quarters he encountered one of the nurses. Oku greeted

him by nodding, and so did the nurse. Then each one continued their own



<Ramin's quarters>

Oku got into his room and left his stuff onto his desk.

"Computer, dim lights to 30%"


The lights were now dimmed. Oku undressed and entered the bathroom.

"Computer, start shower, water at 60 degrees Celsius, mid pressure, fine



The hot water came smoothly as Oku had programmed the computer to do so.

As he bathed, he remembered sadly the times in which he was at med

school at Io. He remembered that girl, Jadnia Aarau, from Earth, his

best friend and partner. They were close friends and even had a

relationship until they graduated. Then she left for Orion to practice

medicine at a Federation outpost. The truth is that she looked a lot

like the counselor. Just the face. He remembered when he heard that she

died in an ambush to the ship where she was, en route to attend a major

worldwide epidemic at Rigel II. Those Orionii pirates... well, they were

all killed by a nearby Klingon Bird of Prey who answered the distress

call. Long story, though.

"Computer, stop shower"

Then a beam came out of the roof, drying him all. Oku, curiously, was

the only being on the ship who could see it. Now he was dry. He wore his

pijamas and went to sleep.

"Computer, turn off lights and wake me up at 6:30 am."


"Sleep well, computer"

The computer just bleeped.

Joint post by

Dr. Oku Ramin

Counselor Mirka Tzavaras