Subject: The Great Brightness - "Wheels of Time"
T'Nek awoke, and quickly got dressed. He had lot of work to do today.
"Computer, send a message to Captain Terrakian. Highest Priority"
<<Begin Message>>
"Captain, I have something important I wish to discuss with you. I would
like to meet with you at your convieniance. I also request that your Chief
Medical Officer attend. Thankyou. Computer, end message"
"Computer, personal journal. First Entry. Encrypt it with something strong."
<<Ambassador T'Nek's Personal Log created, begin entry>>
"This is my second day aboard this vessel.They are polite to me, but do not
trust me. This I can not change, but it is unfortunate. They believe I am
reading their minds... which is true to a certain extent. But how can I
block out their feeling or emotions ? I also have grave concern for this
vessels crew. The K'Pla is running rampant here, with 99% of the crew
infected. Some show obvious signs, while others are yet to produce. I am
certain that this crew will not survive for much longer, but how to bring
this up ? I am already unpopular, I do not want to waltz in and condem them
to death. But a permanent cure is so hard to find.. And I fear It will come
too late. I have scheduled a meeting with the Captain and his Chief Medical
Officer. I believe they still have illusions of being able to synthasyse a
cure for themselves.. I will do my best to help them, as honor would
dictate. But they do not understand the true damage this plague does, and
not only physically. I also have fear that they will cast Kerestia aside,
but I am hopeful they will not. To do so would violate the very foundations
of Sentient Existance, and I do not believe any rule or directive is so
impassive. As with most things, it all comes down to time. And the wheels
of time are turning... yes they are turning. And they will stop for
nothing. May the Seven guide them and grant them wisdom.Computer, End Log"
<<Log ended. Encryption Complete.>>
And T'Nek waited.
"Time is like a river,
it twists, it turns, it flows.
The wheels of time grind daily
And stop they not for none."
--Ancient Torillion Proverb--
Ambassador T'Nek Destazio
Loyal Servant of the Empire of Torillia.