Subject: Grail: "The Great Brightness" - `Reply to Kaitlyn'

<<Stardate:47307.30- 11:15>>


Epic Terrakian left Sickbay and went next door to the Nursery. Upon

entering, he saw Nanny spoon feeding an infant boy. He did not know to

whom the child was born, but the boy was bright-eyed and happy.

"Hello Nanny.", Epic said, standing there.

Nanny turned and offered the Captain a cheery smile. "Good Morning,

Captain Terrakian. Miss Kaede has been patiently awaiting your arrival.

She's in her crib playing with a music box."

"Thank you, Nanny.", Epic said to the hologram. "I will be taking

Miss Kaede with me for a while."

"Oh, she'll like that, Captain." Then, Nanny returned her

concentration to the boy.

Epic stood before Kaedes crib and looked in. She was happily

touching the multicolored box, producing a chaotic sound. It wasn't

until she reproduced the bizarre sound again that Epic realised that she

was being deliberate. This surprised him.

`It shouldn't surprise me though.', he considered. A gift for music

was always a part of Epics family. His mother was a masterful violinist,

and so was he.

"That's beautiful, Kaede.", Epic said, in a tone he might have

addressed an adult in.

Kaede looked up at him and smiled happily. Then, with careful

intent, she played `her song' again. Again, a perfect reproduction of

the first time. Epic smiled brightly and lifted her from the crib. She

still held the box.

"You are very talented, my little angel. Dada is very proud."

She let the box fall back into the crib and put her hands up to his

face. She mushed his cheeks around, puckering his lips. She giggled, and

Epic laughed, too.

While Kaede played with his lips Epic left the Nursery. He was

prepared to go up to Kajes quarters, but decided to allow the woman some

more time to herself. He was not altogether certain what had happened to

her, but he thought she might need to just rest before he tried to find

out what was wrong.

"You've never seen where Dada rarely sleeps, have you, Beauty?", he

spoke into her hands while she squeezed his nose. With no response, he

decided to go to his own quarters.

Upon entering his `home', he was almost startled by `Snowball'. He

had been the caretaker for the chubby white cat since the death of

Thomas Marritza. He couldn't honestly say that he liked the domesticated

Terran creature, but he was rarely here. It might have been more

accurate to say these were Snowballs quarters.

Kaede saw the fluffy white thing and strained to touch it. Epic

squatted down and allowed the girl to touch the beasts soft fur. She

squealed in delight and the cat rubbed its head on her shoulder. Her

pleasure was felt powerfully by Epic. And suddenly, he liked the cat,

too. He was certain, though, that when Kaede wasn't here, he would

remember to dislike it. But for now, it was a good thing.

Epic set the girl on the floor, the cat laying over on its side,

allowing the girl to feel his soft fur and ears. Epic was not concerned

for the girls safety, he had had the cats claws removed the day after it

had torn his armchair. A day later, he had it nuetered. It lost almost

all of its energetic mischief. Since then, it was little more than a

tribble with legs.

Epic gave the pair of new friends one more look before going to his

desk. He checked his messages and found a few. All save one were duty

reports. The odd one was from Kaitlyn Brennan.

He felt a small flare of remembered anger when he saw it, causing

Kaede to suddenly look at him with a quivering lip. Epic sent her

soothing thoughts and apologies and she returned to her occupation.

Epic downloaded the message. While he waited for it to come up, he

remebered the scene between them. He really hadn't been angry that she

had disagreed with him. Of course, she had the right to her own views

and he had invited them all to express themselves. In fact, he needed

their opposition. How else could he be certain he had considered all


But that wasn't what had sent him into a rage. It was the feeling

of betrayal that provoked him. Perhaps he had no right to feel that way,

but too clear in his memory was an incident not long ago, in the 10

Forward Lounge, when he had felt her pain. It was immediately after

their victory over the Romulans. He had felt her pain. Felt her despair.

And he had responded to it. To her. Without a seconds hesitation, he had

taken her up into his arms and carried her... CARRIED her.. to Sickbay.

En route, he had taken from her her pain. Her despair. He cleansed her

mind of the destructive influences and made them his own.

Did he expect gratitude? No. Which was good, because he certainly

hadn't gotten any. But he thought it might have at least made them more

than professional aquaintances. Apparently, it had not. And more

apparent still, she didn't even CONSIDER him a professional. She

considered him a fool. And she made that intentionally and publicly

obvious. The anger started to swell again, but he bit it back. He

remembered the look on her face when he had lost control of his rage. It

was all she could do to repress her laughter.

And in the final analysis, Epic had made a determination. Kaitlyn

Brennan was simply not a nice person. Too bad, though. Because he had so

much respect for her talents.

Her message appeared on his screen.

Dear Captain.

My behavior earlier was unwarranted and by all means unacceptable. If I

had my objections, I should have voiced them in private, and not with

such brazen impertinence, sir. I do apologise and the only explanation I

can offer you was my foolish pride sparked me into defending the prime

directive, as I perceived its applicability so vehemently. The manner in

which I spoke to you was recklessly discourteous, and I wanted to

rescind that by making sure that it _never_ happens again.


Lt. JG Kaitlyn Brennan, Asst. Chief Engineer

Epic read it with a scowl. It might have meant more if she had

considered him enough to say these words to his face. But then, perhaps

she feared that he would be able to sense her insincerity. Or maybe she

was afraid she would laugh in his face again and didn't want to risk her

position. The message smelled like someone trying to keep her job.

But still, she needn't have apologised. What she apologised for was

not what had made him furious. Sighing with a shake of his head, he sat

at his desk. And composed his reply. If she didn't want to talk

face-to-face, he wasn't going to force the issue. He gave Kaede a glance

to insure she was well. Snowball lay on its side, Kaedes ear pressed to

its torso. She smiled listening to its heart.

Epic wrote.


Thank you for your consideration, but an apology, though appreciated,

was unrequired. You showed exemplary character in defence of our

Federations priority order. I hope this mornings incident will not

prevent you from expressing opposing viewpoints in the future. I need

your honest input to insure that all things important to our success are


Please allow me to apologise for my emotional outburst. It was

inappropriate and unprofessional. I do not feel comfortable explaining

why I reacted the way I did. Suffice it to say that I will not be

affected the same way ever again.

You are an oustanding officer and I am grateful for your service.


Epic read it back with a blank expression, then sent it.

Then, he looked at Kaede who was looking at him.

{{{Shall we go get Momma now?}}}}, he sent her his thoughts.

She smiled at him and nodded. "Momma.", she said in agreement. Epic

gasped in startled joy as she spoke the first word he had ever heard her
