Subject: Grail:"The Great Brightness"-'And it's off! Conns view'
<<Stardate:47307.30- 10:45>>
<<Chief Engineer's Office>>
Ever since she was a child piloting a starship has been Alisons
dream, and everyday she gets to live that dream. Running checks on the
propultion and navigation systems to make sure that everything was in
perfect running order.
Alison then makes sure her console is ready to recieve the
information fron engineering on the probes sensors. Not wanting to
leave anything to chance she double checks everything once again.
Her recent dispute with François has left Alisons nerves a little on
edge, but with all the activity taking place all thoughts of the
conflict and the volitile meeting is pushed from her mind.
Hearing of the probes success in returning information Alison sends
the Grails planned flight path to Lt.Cmdr Hargen so the probe will
take the same route that the ship will be taking. Hopefully bringing
to light any problems that the Grail may encounter in the great
brightness, and also be a to determine the effects the gravitational
pulls will have on the Grail when it fallows.
as the information comes in Alison makes slight adjustments to the
ships planned flight-path.
Chief Flight Control Officer Lt Alison Donucci