Lt. Helaman Manasseh

Security Officer

Name - Helaman Manasseh

Race - Terran

Age - 35

Date of Birth - April 28, 2338


Height - 6'2"
Weight - 210 lbs.
Hair - Black
Eyes - - Brown
Complexion - Dusky, tanned
Physique - Very well - built, but not a powerhouse Mr. Universe type
Distinguishing Marks - Thin white scar over left eye extending from mid - brow to the cheekbone, but eye is undamaged

Starfleet Career
2358 - 2362 Cadet, Starfleet Academy
2362 - 2363 Ensign,;Sec.; USS Jacques Cousteau
2363 - 2366 Promoted to Lieutenant (JG); Sec
2366 Transferred to Deep Space 4
2367 Transferred to USS Flamebrand; promoted to Lieutenant; Sec.
2368 Made assistant chief of security
2372 Promoted to Lieutenant
2373 Transferred to USS Grail

2 Medals of Honor, 1 Yoth Si'Gar


Helaman was born near Jerusalem, and his parents later moved to take residence in Sao Paolo, Brazil. He is the youngest in his family, his brothers including Gavin, Gideon, and Sam. His parents were highly religious, and passed on a firm and upright moral code to their sons. Brotherhood has always been important to Helaman, as he and his siblings grew up very close to one another, almost clannish in their behavior and protection of each other.

He and Gavin, the eldest, went into Starfleet two years apart. Both chose security as their profession, and it became their life and livelihood. Since Gavin had more skill and experience, he rose quickly and was made Chief of Security aboard the USS Jacques Cousteau. The captain didn't think it would be right to have brothers work so closely together as it might impair judgment, so when Helaman came along two years later, he remained one of the regular security officers, although Gavin consulted with him in private many times.

Starfleet had some hush - hush operations going on involving Romulan technology. The Cousteau was confronted by a Romulan warbird, and the captain stayed cooped up in his ready room. Hours of silence passed. The ship was rocked by a warning fire, and when Gavin asked the captain if he should raise shields, he was answered in the negation. Peace talks had to be made, was the reply. More silence. Two more blasts. Unable to stand it any longer, Gavin and Helaman marched into the ready room to confront the captain. There, on two separate viewscreens, was that of a Starfleet Admiral and the Romulan Commander. The captain whirled on them, furious, and then the full attack began.

The Cousteau was pelted with heavy fire from the Romulans, and still the captain ordered shields to remain down. Helaman chose to ignore this and raised shields anyway. The captain slapped a reprimand or two on his record and overrode the command, almost as if he wished their ship to be destroyed. The ship then rocked violently, receiving a mortal blow from the Romulan oppressors. Most of the crew was killed, including Gavin. Wounded and bloodied, Helaman was able to reach an escape pod along with a scant handful of survivors. The Cousteau was then destroyed in a fierce ball of fire and light, and the Romulans left the scene.

Starfleet, in order to cover its tracks, placed several discommendations on Helaman's record, but left it confidential since none could be proved, and his previous captain is dead. Still, he persisted in wishing to fulfill his duties in the service, despite what had happened. So, gladly, they shifted him to the Grail.

Helaman is still haunted by Gavin's death, but has renewed his duties with continued vigor and determination, almost as though to avenge his brother's demise.

Most times, Helaman remains calm and taciturn, not caring to join in casual conversation when the option is presented. He is a man of valor and nobility, striving to do what he believes is the "right" thing to do. Although he's somewhat of a loner, he sees his crewmembers as his "sons" had he ever had any. He takes special care of the younger officers, always impressed by their energy and eagerness to perform heroically. These are those that he protects the most, although he does an outstanding job providing security to the rest of the crew as well. After he retires, he plans to adopt sons of his own, perhaps as an homage to Gavin.


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