Jinx, born 'to-Eeiauo'True age:
160, average maximum age of that race: 850-
history (by interest and eavesdropping),Eeiauo means 'outcast', and that is actually what her race is, outcasts from the planet Sivao. They were sent to exile some 3000 years ago, which to Eeiauoan common era isn't that far in the past. One of the ships in the exiles' convoy got lost,
and through circumstances about which a great deal of teaching songs have been written ended up in a place where even the stars were strangers - the Beta Quadrant. Without a way to get back, they settled on the first hospitable and uninhabited planet they could find. Little did they know that something lacking the planet's atmosphere compared to the Sivaoan atmosphere transformed the children's disease'Thunderstroke' into a plague they would soon call the 'Long Death'. To them, the 'Long Death' was a punishment from the gods for diverging from their rightful way to exile, and they
accepted it without giving it further thought or even research. Its first onslaught killed more than half of the new colony (almost all of those who during their childhood had never had 'Thunderstroke'), so it was decided to set up two camps in order to prevent another onslaught of the plague killing off all of the survivors. As opinions within the original camp were already diverging anyways, the two argueing factions were simply divided into the one group who wanted one day return to Sivao, and in the other, who wanted one day to find Eeiauo and reunite with the other exiles. Years went by, and it was
soon discovered that the time of 'Sunfall', when both suns of Haven were not to be seen in the sky for 2 cycles, coincided with the recurring plague, yet no conclusions were drawn from it. Just before the USS Grail arrived at Haven, both camps were befallen with the 'Long Death' and they perished of it. Only one survived, and it was later discovered that her immune system had been able to fight off the disease better and longer because of all the exercise she had been giving herself. Still, even though she survived longer than the others, she was befallen with the virus and would have died had she not received help by the Grail's crew. That help was easily extended, as about 1000 years after the exilement the Eeiauoans whose
convoy had long ago arrived at the rightful planet of exile were suffering their worst case yet of 'Long Death', a disease that they had brought to their planet just as the lost exiles had brought it to Haven (here, as on Haven, the mutation of the children's virus happened because an element was lacking from the new atmosphere that on the Sivaoan homeworld kept 'Thunderstroke' in check). Famous Captain Kirk broke a silence caused by taboo and set out to discover the Sivaon homeworld, in order to find a cure for the deadly disease, to safe not only the Eeiauoans (who by then had long since become a protectorat of the Federation) but also to stop the disease's progress through the rest of the galaxy, as it started to affect more and more races, including humans. His mission was successful, and a cure against the 'ADF Syndrome' (as the plague was named by Federation specialists) was brought back.
The lost exiles' 'calender' varies greatly from the one used either on Sivao or on Eeiauo. Along with the other exiles who now form the Eeiauoan race it was decided to count the day of exile as Day 0 of their new life, but other than the Eeiauoans who stayed with the convoy the lost exiles were soon faced with a different situation altogether. They decided to hold on to Day 0, but start counting generations until one day they might be reunited with either of their ancestors and distant relatives. From Day 0 they started counting up, naming the first 850 years (the average maximum age for their race,
taken to be an apt measure of generations) to follow after it their 'SearchTime'. The next 850 years to them were the 'SettleTime' on the newly found planet, following after that was the generation of 'AdjustTime', during which they all had to adjust to living on planetside again. At the moment it is 'HomeTime' to the lost exiles, it is undecided though if this is to mean that Haven is to be finally accepted as 'home' or if it is seen as a time to rediscover the 'home' they lost so long ago. As things are now, this question will never be decided, as it is of no interest to the only survivor, Jinx.
Personal Background: Jinx was born in the 'to-Eeiauo' camp, and has always been curious to say the least. She was always poking her tail into things she wasn't supposed to know, and has learned a great deal of teaching songs kids don't usually learn before they complete the rite of adulthood, the 'Walk'. She has always felt compelled to explore, spending more time walking and running the woods than completing her daily shores, a habit that was frowned upon by all in
her camp. It was believed that that waste of energy would doom her when the next cycle of 'Long Death' hit. Ironically, exactly that safed her life. Jinx was just nearing the age for her adulthood rite, hasn't been able to take it yet, though. So she still is to be considered a minor, and if one watches her behaviour closely, one will see many indications of her still being a teenager. She is eager to learn, a trait that is further aided by her perfect eidetic memory, a trait common to her race. Even though she doesn't yet know any StarFleet standard it should not take her long to learn Her people preserved the knowledge of the technology they had brought with them, which included the knowledge of warp speed, the use of
computers and of medical tricorders (plus all technology along those lines), so arriving on the Grail will not pose too much of a culture shock to her. Using the mentioned technology is new to her though, as her people tried to revert as much as possible back to the old ways of their ecological, rural lifestyle, shunning technology as the 'fiend' that got them expelled from Sivao in the first place.
Personality Profile: friendly, curious, eager to learn, outgoing, easy to befriend, experiences the typical mood swings of a teenager, and does display some other teenager like characteristics (such as easily to either excite or decourage, looking for a role model, ...), stubborn, energetic with the need to roam