Subject: Grail: "Last Look Back" - 'The Fouth Pip'

<<Stardate:47307.17- 09:20>>

<<Grail Stardrive>>

Commander Epic Terrakian entered the Transporter room and

immediately extended his hand to welcome Captain Hillary Singh. She was

shorter than he remembered, but then, he was probably taller than she


"Welcome aboard the Grail, Captain. I have made accomodations for a

short stay until repair efforts on your vessel are completed.", Epic

offered, then added as an afterthought. "Or until you are ready to go."

"Thank you, Captain.", she spoke softly, shaking his cold hand.

"Commander, actually.", Epic responded, conducting her with gentle

effort toward the doors. "No promotion has yet been offered. It is

possible the Grail will be recalled to Deep Space 9 to await the

assignment of a new Captain."

They walked the corridor toward the turbolift, Hillary unable to

take her eyes from the face of the Betazoid who walked beside her. If it

were not for the same chilling blue eyes, she would have thought it

impossible that he could be the same man. But he was.

"If that were to be the case, we will be escorting you back, as

well." Epic tried to distract her scrutiny, to no avail.

"Commander Terrakian...", she finally started.

"Epic.", he corrected her. "Please."

"Epic.", she conceded. "Thank you for your timely rescue."

"We're on the same team.", Epic answered, giving her elbow the

gentlest nudge with his own.

The contact was familiar and friendly and might have been

presumptuous from anyone else. But Hillary accepted it in its spirit.

Accepted it, and appreciated it. It relaxed her tension. Enough for her

to say, "You wouldn't think so to compare our uniforms."

Epic looked down at her uniform, the regulation jumpsuit, gray on

black. Then, he considered his own. He shrugged as the turbolift opened

to admit them. Hillary got on first.

"Deck 19.", Epic ordered.

=^=Commander Terrakian.=^=, Cara Hatchers voice came to him from

his commbadge. =^=A priority One subspace message has been received for

your eyes only.=^=

"Thank you, lieutenant.", Epic replied. "I will take that message

in Room 1901."


"I guess we'll know Starfleets mind soon enough.", Epic said as

they exited the turbolift.

They walked silently for a few moments, Hillary trying not to

stare, but it was a futile effort. Finally, she just said what was on

her mind. "I have heard very bizarre rumors about you over the years."

Epic smiled slyly as he looked at her from the corner of his eye.

But, he said nothing.

"`Commander Dracula'?", she queried, looking at his solid black

unifom and knee length black polished boots.

Epic shrugged. He could sense her... excitement. It wasn't what he

would expect from the... matronly.. woman. But, he knew `the feeling'.

He usually welcomed `the feeling'.

They stopped at the door to her temporary accomodations. Hillary

tapped in the command code that would restrict access only to her while

Epic made an exaggerated pantomime of looking away.

"Zero-Six-Five-Zero.", she told him despite his effort to allow her

her secrecy. He looked at the mischief in her eyes and favored her with

a sinister look of his own. Her excitement trebled. They entered the


Epic went immediately to the desk monitor in the main living area

and activated it.

"Shall I give you privacy?", Hillary offered as she stretched out

on the sofa. Epic shrugged in negation.

"Decode encrypted message. Terrakian Beta Alpha Delta Six Six Six."

The scrambled screen reintegrated into the Starfleet Identification


An image of Admiral Shelby appeared, her blond hair swept up in a

characteristic bun. "Commander Terrakian.", she spoke seriously. "Having

reviewed your reports and considering the unexpected boon of the Q's

interference, it is the decision of the Council to grant you the field

promotion of Captain and to instruct you to continue with the mission as

originally drafted. Good luck, Captain Terrakian.

"Also, there has been Intelligence reports indicating a rise in

Romulan activity in that region. It is unclear as to whether this

activity is a response to the spontaneous wormhole, or your presence. We

recommend your expediant withdrawal from that location.

"Once again. Good luck, Captain."

The screen went blank.

Epic closed the screen and stood. He turned to look at Captain

Hillary Singh only to find her standing right behind him. She had let

her silvery hair down and `the feeling' was pouring from her in a

torrent. She removed one of the solid gold pips from her own collar and

replaced the dark one at Epics collar with it.

"Congratulations, Captain Dracula.", she teased. Then, on an

impulse that Epic sensed coming from a light year away, she kissed him.


Epic found himself at a complete loss about how to respond.