Subject: Grail-Awakenings

Parker was lying unconciuos in medbay. His body was unconcious, but his

mind was not.

His mind was doing what it did best. It was repairing itself. Vulcans had

the special ability to use their minds to heal the rest of their body. His

mind, being only half Vulcan was having trouble doing the job itself. He

knew, given enough time, that the mind could do it. But he was glad that he

had the expert help of the medical team as well.


He awoke again, his mind that is, to find that his injuries were almost

healed. The doctors had done an expert job at healing his outside body, and

his brain as well. The only thing left now was repairing his mind. Not in

a physical sense, but in a conciousness sennse.


He awoke again. This time into full conciousness.

"Doctor"..he voice rasperly said.

"Doctor, Lt. Parker is awake."



Im Back!!!!

Jeremy Delaney

Lt. Tom Hawkins--USS Sequitor--Acting Captain

Lt. Tom Hawkins--Starbase 109--First Officer

Admiral Ilea Hawkins--USS Farragut(Federation Task Force ship)

"USS Enterprise Shakedown crew's report. I think this new ship was put

together by Monkies. Sure she's got a fine engine, but half the doors won't

open. And guess who's job it is to make it right."


-Captain Montgomery Scott-Star Trek V