Subject: The Psychic Connection


Parker looked around past all the doctors towardas another medbay biobed to

notice a women laying on the bed. He couldn't tell at first who it was, but

to his horror he saw that it was his new first officer.

He pulled a doctor aside and quietly quetioned the Major's medical status.

To his releif, the major had only suffered minor injuries. It was not as if

loosing a leg was minor, but it was minor compared to what could have happened.

He asked the doctor if he could be placed closer to the Major so that he

could talk to her. He didn't see much problem with that, and he was moved a

bed away from hers.

"How are you feeling Sir?"

Athalya Anne sat up at the sound of a voice. She swung herself up and out

of bed.... only to fall flat on her face. *Danmit!* She smiled and looked

up at Parker. "I am well. And you?" she asked as she used her leg to host

herself up.

"My mental health is slowly regenerating itself. I expect to be duty

capable with in the week. Would you care for some help Major?"

Athalya Anne glared at Parker as she perched herself on the side of his bed.

"That, lieutenant, is not nesscary." She paused, looking for a subject away

from death and dying. "I trust you'll have your work cut out for you when

you come back, helping engineering fix the ship, that is."

Parker knew it had been a mistake the second he had said it. He had been

through the same situation before with another friend. Those who had been

"injured" perferred to do the work themselves. They didn't want people to

think that they couldn't handle themselves anymore. "Yes Sir, I will. It

seems that we have wrecked an entire Galaxy Class ship in a matter of a few

weeks. StarFleet would not be happy." he said trying to come up with small


"Would the fleet be happy, no matter what we did with this ship?" Athalya

Anne asked, smiling down at Parker.

"Sometimes I think the fleet is just happier in general knowing that we are

not there. We are the outcasts of society. We are nothing more than a

blimish on them, so thus this mission. I must say that my life is know

dedicated towards finding the Voyager. I'm also afraid."..he said hoping

she wouldn't ask him why.

Athalya Anne sized up Parker in half a heart beat. *What on earth is he

hiding?* It was no matter though. She had the rest of his life to figgure

it out. "Lieutenant, as much as it grieves me to say it, our mission is not

to find Voyager." She paused, her flair for the dramatic shining through,

"Our mission is to die."

"That may be your mission Major, but it is not mine. Major, I have another

mission to tend to other than the official one, or even the unnoffical one.

There is a reason that I was assigned to this mission. I appear to be

somewhat middle aged according to Human standards. In Vulcan years, I am

quite young. Starfleet put me here because I most likely to survive this

mission if it actually took 60-70 years. So you see, this mission is going

to last a long time for me...." he said and then he noticed that he had been


Athalya Anne could only smile at the optimistic Vulcan. However, for a

Vulcan, he wasen't very good with probability. She allowed her smile to

broaden. Her personal philosophy was that 'if it didn't hurt 'em, let 'em

do it'. Taking a deep breath, she said, "Well, Lieutenant, your optimism is

to be commended. Indeed, you are a model for us all."

"Parker's Vulcan half slid back into place all to easily. This women could

not know the extent to his mission.Only the Captain knew that now. He was

not bound to this ship as were others. If the Grail should ever get to the

point where it could not continue, he was to find any means necessary to get

home and make his report to Starfleet Special OPS.."Major, don't patronize

me. I am quite aware of this ships probabilities of suceeding with the sham

of a mission that Star Fleet has given us. It would be illogical to assume

though that everyone's mission on this ship is the same. Nothing is as it

seems when everything appears to be normal.."

*Danm.* She realized half a second too late, *Intel does have him up to

something. What on earth could it be.* How Parker had gotten into Intel in

the first place was slightly beyond her comprehension. Loose lips got you

killed by your team. But in any case.... She laughed. "Dear, this ship is

anything BUT normal appearing."

"That is not what I meant Major. There are things happening on this ship

that even you don't know about. The events that took place before we even

launched is evidence of that. I was refering to the fact that several

member's of this crew have their own agenda. I do as well. Let me fill you

in on something Major. This is not common knowledge, and I must inform you

that anything I tell you is strictly Top Secret. After your promotion, you

recieved that clearance."...Parker looked around to make sure that they were

in private..."I am a member of StarFleet Special OPS. I have a secret

mission to carry out here. The Captain is aware of that mission. I will

let nothing stand in my way of getting that mission accomplished. And also,

I am not the only member of SPecial OPS here."..he had sadi a little too

much, but it was too late.

*No shit.* The only thing he had just told her that he was drasticly

underestimating her ingelligence level. Any fool could have figgured out

what he was saying, simply by knowing this ships mission. Still, if he

wanted to blab, she wasen't going to stop him. *Mental note - don't trust

this mother fucker with anything sensative.* She stood on her good leg.

"Well, lieutenant, as fun as this has been, I have to go."

Taking a risk, he put out his hand to her hoping that she would at least

take it.

Athalya Anne barely consealed her supprise. Vulcans were largely touch

telepaths. By offering to touch her, he was offering to let her into his

mind. Athalya Anne gave Parker's hand a firm shake.

The thought patterns of the Marine flowed. It was as he thought. He mental

abilities were enourmous, or he would not have been able to read anything.

He could separate only a few things though. This women did not trust him.

"Thank you Major, I hope to return to duty soon."

Athalya Anne went on auto pilot as she shook Parkers hand, gleaning and

commiting to memory everything she could. "Good day, lieutenant." She

hopped back to her bed.

Parker had been very pleased with himself. He had hopefully succeeded in

throwing the Women off gaurd a bit. He knew that she was able to get some

useful information from him, but he also knew that he had thrown so much

into his thoughts, that she got a lot of useless babble.

Parker's ears pricked up. He had heard a slight chuckle from the Major.

"Something funny Major?"

She merely smiled. "Of course, dear John. Of course."

That women was something else. He knew that he had feelings for her. But

he couldn't let them show. Not now. The Major reminded Parker of his first

mate. Always so secrative, yet so transparent in other ways*Well I hope it

was good for you* he thought sarcastically.

*You would expect otherwise?*

This women. He had heard her thoughts. He wasn't sure if it was a lasting

effect of the meld they had just shared, or if it meant that his mental

powers were coming around more. Perhaps the injury he had sustained woke

his mental awareness up. The high priestess on Vulcan had said that his

powers could someday take a spurt in growth, but it was not likely. He had

to work on this more. Too bad his father wouldn't be around to see him

develop into a more "Vulcan" Vulcan.

*It's probaly just a side effect.* she mentaly paused. *I'm sorry to hear

about your father.*

*He has Bendii's syndrome. I heard just before we left. He never replied.

He hasn't replied since I was 6.*

*I know.* Athalya Anne mentaly yawned. This was exhausting

*Until next time Major*..with that he put his mind into the healing mode

that had served him well so far.


Joint post by John Parker and Athalya Anne. Lt. and Major respectively.

AKA's Jeremy and Shannon.

Shannon also wanted me to show you here crude spelling before I got a hold

of it.

"Hey! Me spellin iz god!"

Translation.."Hey! My spelling is Good!"

Can you believe this? really it was just a personal joke

between us:-).

Jeremy Delaney

Lt. Tom Hawkins--USS Sequitor--Acting Captain

Lt. Tom Hawkins--Starbase 109--First Officer

Admiral Ilea Hawkins--USS Farragut(Federation Task Force ship)

"USS Enterprise Shakedown crew's report. I think this new ship was put

together by Monkies. Sure she's got a fine engine, but half the doors won't

open. And guess who's job it is to make it right."


-Captain Montgomery Scott-Star Trek V