Subject: Grail: Holo-hunting
<<USS Grail - Holodeck 2>>
Tifa sniffed the air of the woodland setting, but there was no trace
of her prey. It could only mean that it was downwind from her. Turning
around, she looked through the tree trunks with her piercing eyes. Still
no sign. Tifa concentrated on the sounds, trying to hear something that
was out of place. Birds were chirping and the wind was blowing through
the leaves and... a twig snapped. Tifa immediately started runnning in
that direction as she heard her prey begin running wildly.
Her heart pumping wildly and the wind blowing over her fur, Tifa
revelled in the feeling. Unlike other Caitans, she listened and indulged
in her natural feline instincts. Soon, she saw it, the Katarra. Katarras
were large four-legged rodents from the Caitan homeworld, about the sixe
of a Terran German Shepherd. They weren't very combative, but they were
notoriously fast and difficult to catch, which made them one of Tifa's
favorite preys. This particular Katarra was running in a small dried up
creek which, Tifa knew, turned in a large circle. The Security Ensign
meowed loudly to let her prey know she was close, then quickly cut
through the woods. Two seconds later, she jumped down in the creek where
the Katarra was headed. As soon as her prey rounded the bend, Tifa was
on it, digging her claws in its hind legs, ripping the muscle tissue and
thus keeper it from running away. She then stood up and looked down at
the helpless beast cowering at her feet. Sweeping down, she claw it
across the nose sadistically before pinning it down with a foot when it
desperately tried to run away. The feeling of power and the fear in the
Katarra's eyes were an incredible rush for Tifa, but as with all good
things, it had to end. Stricking out again with her claws, she slit the
Katarra's throat and watched it's life ebb away as it bled to death.
Satisfied with her workout, Tifa returned to the pond where she had
left her clothes. She had never been comfortable with clothing, but
tolerated it since it was the way of Starfleet and the other races.
However, here on her hunting ground, there was no place for those
superfluous pieces of cloth. She took a quick dip in the pond to wash
away her sweat, then put on her uniform. It was time for her shift.
"Computer, end prrrogrrram." she purred as she walked out of the
Ensign Tifa Charr, Security officer, USS Grail.
P.S. Hi everyone! I'm looking forward to simming with you all!
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